YouTube's Censorship of Religiously Offensive Material is Evil

COMMENTARY | In the words of Mark Twain, "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak because a baby can't chew it." Knowing this, how can anyone not find it wrong that YouTube has adopted a policy of banning religiously offensive material, as I've just learned from the videographer "Thunderf00t?" Are we so hyper-sensitive and politically correct we should see the free market of ideas and discussion die in silence out of fear of being "offensive?"

Is it possible for any policy to be more offensive to the sensibilities of grown-ups? Not by much. YouTube has chosen to take on a guideline which cannot be fairly enforced. While some may find a small bit of solace in seeing those perspectives they disagree with squelched, they may also find their opinion silenced also. The nature of religion makes it impossible for any religious topic to not be offensive to someone.

It seems the most religious among us would feel the greatest threat from the new policy. While many might believe themselves glad to see Thunderf00t silenced or the likes of Dusty Smith allowed to speak no more, they must understand this decision also threatens their chance to evangelize, as in the case of " The 700 Club ," Billy Graham Evangelistic Association or even any myriad of new Islamic ministries . Every religion offends someone.

Were I to have any sort of a deity, it would not -- could not -- be one which is so weak and fearful as to resist any questioning, criticism or doubt. Were I to have ever chosen to place my life and my faith in any "higher power" I cannot envision it being one which would have created human intellect and curiosity, only to then punish that creation for using those faculties.

YouTube cannot be banning religiously offensive material for any reason other than fear of violence. And a free society cannot remain so if mere threats of violence prevent honest, rational discussion. I can't tell YouTube how to run their business or how to be a better bunch of cowards. All any of us can do is refuse to allow them to earn a single penny in advertising revenue as long as they're complicit in the stifling of the free exchange of knowledge, information, ideas and discussion. This is ridiculous.

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YouTube's Censorship of Religiously Offensive Material is Evil

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