Chess – Play Online Chess at

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Use your mouse to move your Chess pieces across the board. Your objective in Chess is to get a checkmate. To land a checkmate, youll need to get your opponents King into a position where it can be captured, and cannot be freed by the opponents next move.

Each piece on the board moves differently. When your piece moves intoa square that is currently occupied by an opponent's piece, you will capture that piece. Here is how each piece moves:

Dont forget: Chess is a game of logical thinking and strategic planning. Youve got to get those mental muscles moving if you want to best your opponent!

Study the board. Take a moment to consider your options before making your move. Its ideal to move to a spot that puts any of your opponents pieces under attack, but be careful you dont set yourself up for a loss!

Watch your opponents moves carefully. Stay focused and keep an eye on what kind of moves your opponent makes. Don't move into squares where they can capture your pieces, unless you see a potential advantage.Use their movements to come up with your own strategy for taking down each of their pieces. With enough practice, youll be able to predict your opponent's moves based on how the board is set up each turn.

Castleyour King early. Protecting your King is your number objective, so as soon as you see an opportunity to castle, you should. To castle, you must first clear all of the space between your King and one of your Rooks.This will open up special move options for your King. Note: Castling can only be done if neither your King and Rook have moved.

Pawns can become Queens (or most any other piece). If you can manage to get one of your pawns across the board to your opponent's back row, you can "promote" them into any other piece except a King.Simply choose the new piece you'd like them to become. You can even have "extra" Queens or other pieces!

Dont be afraid to make sacrifices. In any game, you will lose some of your pieces to your opponent. An experienced Chess player will sometimes sacrifice lower-ranking pieces in order to save those that are more useful. When deciding which pieces to sacrifice, it can help to count the points. Watch this video to learn more about the point system.

Practice makes perfect! As with any game, the more you play, the more youll learn. Chess isnt meant to be mastered after the first game. It takes years of hard work and practice. Keep on playing and maybe someday youll be a Chess master, too!

Go hereto read more about playing Chess and learn a thing or two from one of the masters.

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Chess - Play Online Chess at

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