Do I Have to Break the Cross Off a Chess King? – – Good News

Ask the Rov: I am renovating my house, and the workers come in wearing a cross. Do I have to ask them to remove it? How about a cross on a chess piece or a coin?

By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin, Rov of Anash in Petach Tikva

An object that is worshiped bythegentiles hasthedinofavoda zara. Benefit from it is forbidden and one may not even derive pleasure from looking at it. One may not allow a non-Jew to bring it into ones property.

Poskimdebatethestatus of a cross. Some argue that it is merely a symbol to remind them of their faith and heritage and isnttheobject of deity. Others hold that its indeed worshiped and is atthevery least asafek avoda zara.It is not clearly prohibited to look at a cross, though it is praiseworthy to avoid doing so.

One is not allowed to own an actual cross due its religious connotations, but since people dont truly worship them nowadays, one may derive benefit from it. Though one should not do business with such jewelry, if one mistakenly came to own it, he may sell it provided that it wasnt actually worshiped.

Coins or stamps with a cross or chess pieces do not constituteavoda zara, as its self-evident that people dont worship them.A cross symbol (e.g.theRed Cross) is not meant to have religious significance, though some avoid it especially on childrens clothing.Likewise, though there is no halachic problem in making crossed Ts and plus signs, some are scrupulous to alter them slightly.

When Moshe Rabbeinudavened, he leftthecity with idols. While that isnt possible in most cities, one should avoiddaveningin a room with idolatry. If he must, he should face away fromthecross even if it means not facingmizrach.One must also take precaution not to bow inthedirection of someone wearing a cross.

Contemporaryposkimposit thattheprohibition against allowing a non-Jew to bring idols into ones home only applies when done on an ongoing basis, and not just a visit. This is especially so regarding a cross that has a doubtfulavoda zarastatus.

In practice, one need not prevent a cleaning lady orthelike from wearing a cross, though one should ask her to cover it if possible. In any case, one should be careful not todavenin their direction.

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Do I Have to Break the Cross Off a Chess King? - - Good News

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