Nominating Committee Announces Call for Interest for Executive Board Candidates –

During the August 2020 Special Delegates Meeting, the Delegates adopted a recommendation from the Governance Task Force to create a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee (Committee) will:

For the 2021 Executive Board election, the Committee will make recommendations for prospective candidates who will be permitted to use the Committees endorsement as one element of their campaign marketing. The Committees candidate recommendations in no way preclude others from self-nominating for the election. All candidates for the Executive Board (endorsed or not) are required to obtain signatures on their petitions for office. That petition form is available here. (A fillable petition form is also available.)

The Committee, composed of six Delegate-appointed and two Executive Board-appointed members, recently began meeting. The Committee has established the following steps for US Chess members to express their interest in becoming an endorsed candidate:

The Committee seeks interested candidates who bring the following leadership experience and skills:

Since all candidates for the Executive Board are required to obtain petition signatures from a diverse pool of US Chess members, the Committee recommends beginning this process as soon as possible. All completed candidate petitions are required to be submitted to or postmarked and mailed to Governance, US Chess, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557 by 11:59 pm (CT), December 31, 2020. There are no exceptions.

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Nominating Committee Announces Call for Interest for Executive Board Candidates -

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