Time to test your chess – The Turlock Journal

Think the game of chess has faltered in popularity? The students at Turlock High School want you to think again, as their growing chess club is preparing to host a community chess tournament on Saturday.

This years second annual Turlock Community Chess Tournament (G/30, Swiss play) will be held in the cafeteria at Turlock High, with a four to five-round tournament scheduled. Last year, the club had a relatively good turn out with about 30 players. This year, however, things are looking much better, as there are over 50 students participating in the club and over 60 people total signed up for this weekends event.

We have more than doubled the amount of people signed up, likely caused by increased support and outreach for this tournament and chess' recent increase in popularity, explained club president Andrew Gutierrez.

According to club advisor Matt Rosengarth, due to the increased popularity and participation for the tournament, extra boards and pieces may be needed, which he described as a good problem.

Cost for the tournament is $5 for students in K-12 and $10 for adults. Those interested in participating must register at https://forms.gle/wovDBTCDPphJsPcRA. Those registered are encouraged to pay their entry fee at the Turlock High School activities office weekdays from 7 a.m.to 4 p.m. If you do need to pay on the day of the tournament, the chess club will only be able to accept cash.

Check in for Saturdays tournament will be from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. The first round is expected to kick off at 9 a.m. In order to keep the tournament moving and to be able to play all five rounds, clocks will be set to 30 minutes per side. Since there will be limited clocks available, participants are encouraged to bring their own chess clock, or download the app, Chess Clock.

Aside from some fun and competitive chess playing, there will be a small concession stand with drinks and snacks. Funds from the concession stand will directly benefit the Turlock High Chess Club.

It is shaping up to be a great tournament, with lots of friendly competition, so practice, practice, practice, said Rosengarth.

For more information on this years Turlock Community Chess Tournament, email Rosengarth at mrosengarth@turlock.k12.ca.us.

Original post:
Time to test your chess - The Turlock Journal

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