Colin Flaherty Quotes (Author of White Girl Bleed a Lot)

Here is your law enforcement and media question of the day: Was the TV show COPS real or BS?

It might have been real incidents, but it wasn't really all that real. They edited the episodes to make it appear as if black people were committing fewer crimes. That is what the show creator John Langley said in a 2009 interview in response to people who were unhappy his long-running reality show, COPS, was showing too many black people getting arrested.

What irritates me sometimes is critics still watch and say, 'Oh look, they misrepresent people of color.' That's absolutely not true. To the contrary, I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime..It's just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes, said Langley, the show's producer, in 2009. Colin Flaherty, White Girl Bleed a Lot

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Colin Flaherty Quotes (Author of White Girl Bleed a Lot)

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