Let’s talk about Colin Flaherty, and American Thinker …

Article from SPLC. edit: Second Article

The SPLC has now (well, did, 4 months ago) condemned American Thinker for endorsing Colin Flaherty. Who is Colin Flaherty?

/u/colinflaherty is his reddit username. Where does he post? /r/new_right, /r/Conservative, and /r/BlackCrime are his top 3 subreddits for submissions. /r/new_right is run by Mayonesa, a Neo Nazi and is a place extremely popular for Nazis to congregate next to /r/AntiPOZi. /r/Conservative, is well, /r/conservative. I have plenty of posts for reference on that shithole if requested, as do others here. /r/Blackcrime is something I'd like to put a bit of emphasis on as this is a place run by outright (unlike Mayo, who has some dignity, for what its worth, about his white nationalism) Nazis and racists. This is also a place we at SRCS have compared /r/conservative to in the past months as the number of 'black person does crime' posts rose in comparison to many other topics.

Here's a rundown of his articles on AmThinker.

Colin Flaherty is a noted racist, in fact in response to such a claim this was his response:

Racist: "Any conservative winning an argument with a liberal." Thomas Sowell.

He owns up to it. He has been endorsed by Thomas Sowell, Anthony Cumia, FrontPageMag, Daily Caller, and other 'right wing' sources as his site notes.

Why is he relevant recently? His videos have been making the rounds surrounding the Baltimore riots, specifically used to create the narrative that it is specifically and only focused around 'race wars'. One of his videos has reached over 180k views, scarily.

Here's Whitegirlbleedalot's presence on /r/conservative, and his own presence on /r/conservative.

Now, let's check out that same presence on reddit altogether (Whitegirlbleedalot.com). Connections quickly and obviously very apparent as /r/conservative has tied itself, either by users or submissions, into the white nationalist movement on reddit.

On American thinker itself? Honestly this is only worse. Here's an expose they did on Jared Taylor. Jared Taylor is a white supremacist who believes African Americans are inherently inferior. They wrote a glowing short biography on him, praising his views and downplaying his rampant anti semitism and racism. I don't think more needs to be said.

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Let's talk about Colin Flaherty, and American Thinker ...

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