White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white …

Hey Colin,

Sorry that it took me so long to put this together but it was hard. Im telling my story and nothing else. Im hoping that people become aware.

This is my story:

I was born in Israel but moved to Argentina soon thereafter. I lived in Argentina until 1991, when we moved to the States.

Before coming to the States, the only blacks that I knew about were from Brazil/Bolivia. The Bolivians were indigenous and the Brazilians were descendants of slaves but didnt act like the blacks that we have in the States.

We came to the US in March of 91 and I started school in the 3rd grade. When dad went to sign us (brother and I) up for school, he was asked about the ethnicity and dad responded with none, they dont know that stuff yet in an attempt to be down with the cause. I got beat up the first day of school by 2 blacks and had other blacks cheering along. I didnt speak English and had no idea what was going on.

Mom met a nice black man and his mother would babysit my brother and I. I remember the day that she told me to get a switch. I didnt speak English well at the time. The results were bad due to the fact that I asked what a switch was of course the switch that I got was too small. She beat me often and always said something about my blue eyes and white skin while she was doing it. She babysat us until I got into middle school.

Meanwhile, I was getting beat up at school once or twice a week. The apartment complex in which I lived was in between the elementary school and a bad neighborhood so the black kids had to walk by my house at least twice a day. We had our bikes stolen at least once a month and the police did nothing. Anything that was left out after dark would be stolen balls, bikes, skateboards.

Middle school. I had the same bus stop as the kids that messed with me throughout elementary school. Every day was miserable. The black kids would never get in trouble because their parents would protect them.

7th grade: My dad was granted dealer status with Dish Network. We went to the airport to pick up the first supply of satellite dishes pulling a u-haul trailer. On the way home that night, we were side swiped (almost t-boned) while towing the u-haul. Impact speed was 105 mph. Dad got out to help the occupants of the car that hit us which were about 200 yards down the road and flipped over. They crashed when they hit us. We were by a gas station and dad was trying to keep the 5 occupants of the car from fleeing the scene. 4 held him down and one broke his orbital bone they all ran away.

The driver had cornrows and was found by a sheriffs deputy not too far from the accident. He was brought to the scene of the accident and dad was asked if he was the one who punched him. Dad had a broken face and a concussion. The driver had undone some of his braids and since dad couldnt ID him 100%, he was taken home. Turns out that the sheriff was friends with the family. The only trouble that he got into was for the crack and the crack pipe that they found in his pocket when they picked him up.

His record was 3 pages long. Worked for pizza place delivering flyers and was robbed twice. High School. I was in highschool with the same guys that held down my dad and beat him. They called me a snitch for testifying in court and would look for me to mess with me. When I was in the lunch line they would punch me, push me out of line and all gang up on me and tell the school monitor that I was cutting in line. I was bullied on the bus in much the same way as the lunch line.

Once I was old enough to drive, I worked for dad installing satellite dishes. We worked mainly with the Spanish speaking community so I got to see a lot of really bad neighborhoods.

The folks that I worked with were undocumented immigrants for the most part, so they didnt have bank accounts. The blacks knew this and would bully them, threaten to call immigration and would steal their money/whatever else they could steal knowing that they wouldnt call the police in fear of being deported.

I had a job as a pizza delivery guy and was robbed once by a black at gunpoint. I NEVER got a tip from a black that I delivered to. When I moved out, my apartment was broken into 1 time and had a bunch of things stolen. The police said that they couldnt do anything.

In 04, i joined the army. I was a medic in the 101st airborne division. We (medics) got the opportunity to ride with EMS/Firefighters in Nashville, which was 45 minutes away from Fort Campbell. wed spend a week with a particular ladder or medic team every couple of months. The EMTs wouldnt wear their uniforms because theyd get mistaken for police and shot/shot at. They would just wear a t shirt.

When I got back from Iraq, I got a medical discharge and as a result I got a DV (disabled Veteran) license plate on my truck. The only people that I ever had problems with, as far as parking goes, have been blacks. Black parking in handicapped parking spots and not caring.

I bought a house in a nice neighborhood so I dont have to deal with all of that now. We did have a black neighbor for a few months but he was kicked out by the HOA for breeding pitbulls in the garage. They would always get loose and cause trouble all over the neighborhood.

I wanted to thank you for all that you do for us Colin. Youre a hero. Id be willing to do a phone interview if that helps any. Safe travels out there Colin!


About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book is Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, Hell No.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine. His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: Reading Colin Flahertys book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities. National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot has gone viral.

Allen West: At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Los Angeles Times: a favorite of conservative voices.

Daily Caller: As the brutal knockout game sweeps across the U.S., one author isnt surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It, began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.

Alex Jones: Brilliant. Could not put it down.

Neal Boortz: Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.

Breitbart.com: Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.

David Horowitz: A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot


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White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white ...

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