Carbondale mayoral candidates argue about communism, modern relevance


The latest discussion taking place in the race for Mayor in Carbondale has candidates arguing about communism.

It started with a "Loyalty Oath" which is a one page disclaimer that shows up in a stack of papers and contracts that anyone applying to run for mayor in Illinois must sift through.

"[The Loyalty Oath] states that the individual is not part of a communist organization, or a party that plans to overthrow the government of the United States." said Jackson Co. Clerk Larry Reinhardt. "it's a very outdated document, it came out in the 30s or 40s" Reinhardt stated.

The document, and other tactics by the federal government were used in the Cold War era, in relation with what was known as The Red Scare'.

The tactics were attempts by the United States government to protect national security from the potential threat of communism and spies from the Soviet Union during the arms race and Cold War.

It also contains a clause limiting what can be taught to others by the signed individual. "In a modern philosophy class for example," Councilwoman Jane Adams explained. "A teacher who signed this document would be limited on what they could tell their students, to prevent the spread of communist ideals"

Reinhardt says the document is nearly useless in modern day politics, and is now actually entirely optional.

"Some candidates complete them, and some don't, but it doesn't really mean anything either way to be honest." he said. "More important than the document is how each candidate handles it in the public eye I suppose. You know, how they voice their own opinions, and how they handle the political issue itself."

"Meaningless. and I think signing a meaningless document is... well, there's no point in it." Adams said on Friday.

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Carbondale mayoral candidates argue about communism, modern relevance

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