COMMENTARY: Communism to blame – The Tand

Adolph Hitler and associates admired fascism under Mussolini in Italy, particularly the state control of industry, and sought to emulate Mussolini with Germanys brand of what they would refer to as National Socialism. Nazism, like the CCP, outlawed all opposition parties.

Venezuela is a modern example of the horrific effects of one-party socialism on the people and economy of a nation. With all opposition parties outlawed, no checks and balances exist. The results are predictable and deadly.

Marx, the father of communism, decried what he called the "bourgeois" family of father, mother and children. He believed family helped foster ideas about private property and should be abolished. Our American founders established the antithesis of Marx's communism. In declaring independence, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed to the world that God gave the individual unalienable rights to be protected by government. Included in basic human rights, alongside life and liberty, was the "pursuit of happiness."

Jefferson had followed 17th-century political philosopher John Locke's three basic rights of "life, liberty and property." Pursuit of happiness is predicated upon right to private property, but going beyond into moral decisions about the use of life, liberty and property. The American system recognized limitation of government, the primacy of the individual and family, and the importance of religion, all detested by Marx and therefore the CCP. Importantly, our founders stressed the importance of checks and balances to the party in power.

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COMMENTARY: Communism to blame - The Tand

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