communism – Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
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Communism is a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a societysuch as mines, factories, and farmsare owned by the public or the state, and wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need. In its most common usage, the term communism refers to the type of ideal society envisioned by the 19th-century German revolutionary Karl Marx or to forms of government based on Marxs ideas that were established in Russia, China, and other countries in the 20th century. Communism is one form of socialism, which is a system in which the productive resources of a society are publicly rather than privately controlled. Communism was a major force in world politics for most of the 20th century: at one time, about one-third of the worlds population lived under communist governments. Today communism is the official form of government in only a handful of countries.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, many philosophers and political scientists have tried to imagine what a genuinely ideal society would be like. Several of these thinkers advocated a form of government based on communist principles (though the word communism itself was not used until the 1840s). The Greek philosopher Plato, for example, argued that in the best state the ruling class of philosophically trained guardians would live together communally, sharing not only property but even spouses and children. Nearly 1,000 years later the English humanist scholar Thomas More described an imaginary communist city-state called Utopia in which money was abolished and citizens shared all property. The word utopia has since come to mean a perfect or ideal (and thus imaginary) society.
The early Christians practiced a simple form of communism, in part to express their contempt for worldly possessions. The later monastic orders of the Roman Catholic church required their members to take a vow of poverty and to share their meager possessions with each other. In 1534 the radical Anabaptists established a communist government in the German city of Mnster, where they practiced polygamy as well as the common ownership of property. In 1649 a group known as the Diggers founded a short-lived communist agricultural community on an unoccupied hillside in southern England. Communist or socialist colonies were also established in the United States; the best-known were New Harmony (182528), in the state of Indiana, and Brook Farm (184147), in Massachusetts.
Like many 19th-century reformers, Karl Marx was a witness to the profound changes in European society brought about by the Industrial Revolution. The invention of new technologies and the development of the factory system of manufacturing made both agriculture and industry more efficient and created great wealth for factory owners. But this prosperity was built on the misery of the industrial workers, the great majority of whom lived and died in dire poverty in growing urban slums.
The philosophical theory of communism that Marx developed with his colleague Friedrich Engels was based on what they believed was a scientific understanding of human history. In The Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), they argued that history is a series of struggles between economic classes. In the last stage of historythe one in which Marx and Engels thought they were livingthe proletariat, or working class, is pitted against the bourgeoisie, or capitalist class. As the bourgeoisie continues to accumulate wealth by exploiting the proletariat, the disparity between the two classes increases, eventually making the condition of the proletariat so desperate that it must resort to violent revolution. The result will be the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship. Eventually the proletarian state will wither away because it will be unnecessary, and a fully communist society, in which there are no class divisions, will emerge.
Marx died in 1883 and Engels in 1895. Thereafter, Marxs large international following split into two camps, a revisionist group that favored a gradual and peaceful transition to communism and a more orthodox group that adhered to Marxs original vision of violent revolution.
One of the leading figures in the orthodox camp was Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the head of the Bolsheviks, a revolutionary faction that broke away from the Russian Social-Democratic Workers party in 1903. According to Lenin, the revolution could not be made spontaneously by the proletariat itself, because the workers lacked the information and understanding necessary to discern their true interests. Therefore, they needed to be guided by a vanguard party of disciplined revolutionaries. Lenin also believed that the revolution would not take place in the industrialized countries of Europe but in economically underdeveloped countries such as Russia, where the exploitation of workers was more severe. Lenins version of communism eventually became known as Marxism-Leninism.
In February 1917, after Russian armies suffered a series of disastrous defeats in World War I, the tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, was forced to abdicate, and a provisional government took power. Lenin, who had been living in exile in Switzerland, hurried to the Russian capital of Petrograd (later Leningrad, now St. Petersburg), where he persuaded his Bolsheviks to withhold their support from the provisional government and to increase their representation in the soviets, or workers and soldiers councils, which were the real power in Russia at the time. The Bolsheviks seized power in a nearly bloodless coup in November (October, old calendar) 1917 (see Russian Revolution).
Lenin proceeded to establish what he called a dictatorship of the proletariat, though in reality it was a dictatorship over the proletariat. The new Soviet government nationalized nearly all industries, redistributed large agricultural estates to peasant cooperatives, and even attempted to replace money with a system of barter. The ensuing economic chaos forced Lenin to retreat from some of these measures.
When Lenin died in 1924, effective leadership of the party fell to his former deputy Joseph Stalin. From about 1929 until his death in 1953, Stalin ruled the Soviet Union as a dictator with nearly absolute power.
Stalinism, the theory and practice of communism in the Soviet Union under Stalin, was notorious for its totalitarianism, its widespread use of terror, and its cult of personalityits portrayal of Stalin as an infallible leader and universal genius. Stalin used the Soviet secret police to arrest anyone who might oppose his rule. Not fewer than 5 million people from all walks of life were executed, imprisoned, or sent to labor camps in Siberia. In the 1930s Stalin staged a series of show trials in which thousands of prominent individuals were convicted on false charges of treason and executed.
In pursuit of his policy of socialism in one countrythe idea that the Soviet Union should transform itself into a major industrial and military power before attempting to export communist revolution abroadStalin forced peasant farmers to work on large agricultural collectives and undertook a program of rapid industrialization. The collectivization of agriculture resulted in the death by starvation of several million people.
Following the Soviet Unions victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, Stalin installed communist puppet governments in most of the Eastern European countries occupied by Soviet armies, as well as in the eastern third of Germany, which became the communist country of East Germany (the western part became the democratic country of West Germany). The former German capital of Berlin, which was wholly inside East Germany, was divided between communist East Berlin and democratic West Berlin. In 1961 the East German government built a wall around West Berlin to prevent East German citizens from fleeing the country. The Berlin Wall became a potent symbol of the lack of individual freedom under communism.
Stalins successor, Nikita Khrushchev, gradually relaxed the Communist partys control of Soviet society and introduced modest economic reforms. Despite his policy of peaceful coexistence with the West, Soviet relations with the United States were hostile and suspicious. The Cold Warthe political, economic, and military rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United Stateswas in full swing. After Khrushchev was deposed in 1964, Leonid Brezhnev and subsequent leaders tried to reassert the Communist partys traditional authority. During the era of dtente in the 1970s, the Cold War subsided as the Soviet Union and the United States concluded important arms-control agreements and other treaties.
In 1985 a reform-minded member of the Politburo, Mikhail Gorbachev, became the leader of the Communist Party. His policies of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) introduced freedom of expression, democratic elections for some offices, and various economic reforms. Similar changes in the communist countries of eastern Europe eventually led to the collapse of communism there in 198990. One year later it collapsed in the Soviet Union itself. Gorbachev resigned his post as president on December 25, 1991, and the country ceased to exist the same day. It was replaced by a loose confederation called the Commonwealth of Independent States, at the center of which was a newly democratic Russia.
In 1945 China was plunged into a bloody civil war between communist armies led by Mao Zedong and nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-shek. In 1949 the nationalists were forced to withdraw to the island of Taiwan, and Mao declared the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in the mainland capital of Beijing.
Mao developed his own version of Marxist communism. In order to justify the revolution in China, which at the time was an agricultural and not industrial society, Mao adopted Lenins idea that the revolution would start in economically underdeveloped countries. In addition, Mao applied Marxs concepts of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to whole countries rather than just to social classes. Mao believed that proletarian countries such as China were being exploited by bourgeois countries such as the United States. The world communist revolution would come when the proletarian countries surrounded the bourgeois countries and cut off their supplies of cheap labor and raw materials.
In 1966 Mao launched a nationwide campaign to strengthen the revolutionary values of the people and to punish anyone who displayed rightist tendencies. During the Cultural Revolution, which lasted until Maos death in 1976, countless numbers of people were publicly humiliated, imprisoned, or executed, and the country descended into political and economic chaos. After Maos death Chinas leaders were more pragmatic. In the 1980s and 90s the government adopted extensive economic reforms that helped the Chinese economy to grow at a blistering pace.
In the first decades after World War II, many countries in the developing world experimented with communism and socialism. Both the Soviet Union and China supported wars of liberation in the former colonial states of Africa and Asia and in other parts of the world. Some of these conflicts became wars by proxy between the Soviet Union and the United States; others involved one of the superpowers or China directly. With few exceptions, communist countries in the developing world relied heavily on the Soviet Union or China for economic and military aid. By the time the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, many of these countries had abandoned communism for some form of democratic government. Today, traditional Soviet-style communism is practiced in only one country: North Korea.
The end of the Soviet Union also resulted in a steep decline in the influence of communist parties in democratic countries. Nevertheless, Marxs original vision of a classless utopia continued to inspire for some intellectuals and activists of the political left, whether or not they called themselves communists. While the Soviet Union existedand especially before the extent of Stalins crimes became widely knownmany well-meaning people in the West believed that Marxs utopia had been realized in the Soviet Union. Very few people would make that mistake today.
Allan, Tony. The Long March: The Making of Communist China (Heinemann Library, 2001).Berlin, Isaiah. Karl Marx: His Life and Environment, 4th ed. (Oxford University Press, 1996).Crossman, R.H.S., ed. The God That Failed (Columbia University Press, 2001).Rice, Earle, Jr. The Cold War: Collapse of Communism (Lucent Books, 2000).Spence, Jonathan D. Mao Zedong (Viking, 1999).
communism - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
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