
=================================== 3 =================================== The Self-Organizing Moneyless Economy The first scientific speculation on how a communist economy and political system will function in the 21st century. Featuring brief sketches of the organization of political, cultural and economic life in a future where all authority flows from principles that have been distributed universally and are part of everyone's internal compass rather than institutions which are external to the individual and which use one or another form of carrot or stick. The future communist economy, based on the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his need, will not be based on the market, money, capital, commodities or wages (ie: the economy will not be based on exchange or trade of any kind) nor will there exist any kind of supreme central authority telling everyone what to do. All work and all economic actions will be voluntary (ie: gifts freely given without strings attached--nor expectations of reciprocity). The communist economy will consist of myriad self-organizing assemblies of economic units in competition with one another to most efficiently transform skilled labor and other resources into forms of social wealth serving the the material and cultural needs of the masses. (1995) =================================== 4 =================================== =================================== 5 =================================== =================================== 6 =================================== The Future Transparent Workers' State Will a workers' state be a brutal police state or a machine controlled by workers? Are we paralyzed by fear of violent and brutal repression? Or defiant, courageous and determined to win victory with mass-based information war? Who's afraid of "red fascism"? The solution to the crisis of theory Thermador vs. Transparency Mass-based information war Why "censorship by filter" is doomed to fail Productivity of labor inseparable from revolution in communications How the bourgeois political machine undermines the independence of the mass oppositional movements =================================== 7 =================================== =================================== 8 =================================== =================================== 9 =================================== The cyberLeninist Manifesto Theprinciplethat"informationwantstobefree" fitsLeninismlikeabulletdoesarifle inwhatturnsouttobe theultimatenightmareforthebourgeoisie. Leninism, as a continuation of the practical and theoretical work of Karl Marx, had two stages in the period that Lenin was alive. The period from Lenin's death to approximately the present time has represented the third stage of Leninism. Now, as the coming revolution in digital communications promises to link-up class-conscious workers in every country, we are entering the fourth stage.

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