KKE Europarliament Group: Remove Cuba from the U.S list of "state-sponsors of terrorism" – In Defense of Communism

The European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the inclusion of Cuba in the U.S State Department list of "state sponsors of terrorism", which was implemented by the Trump administration in 2021 and is still maintained by the Biden administration. More specifically, the statement of the KKE MEPs (here in Greek) reads:

"This is an unacceptable and provocative decision that aims to reinforce the heavy consequences of the economic blockade of Cuba by the US and its allies, which poses great obstacles to the economic development of Cuba and prevents the satisfaction of the needs of the Cuban people.

In fact, this list is a tool of coercion and financial pressure against the Cuban people. Cuba's inclusion on this list puts major obstacles in its trade and economic relations, as anyone who cooperates with it risks being sanctioned by the US, while preventing Cuba itself from obtaining energy, food, and even the medical equipment needed by the her people.

We express our undivided solidarity with Cuba and its people. We demand its immediate removal from the list of "state-sponsors of terrorism", the lifting of all unacceptable measures of blockade that affect the Cuban people. We call on the Greek government, the European Parliament and the governments of the EU member states to support the just request to remove Cuba from this unacceptable list."


Continued here:
KKE Europarliament Group: Remove Cuba from the U.S list of "state-sponsors of terrorism" - In Defense of Communism

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