Stay vigilant against communism

This week we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and with it communism. However, as we approach this anniversary, I am disturbed to see a resurgence of this destructive ideology right here at home.

Communism as a political structure is a failure. We know this to be true based on itshistory. We have seen theimages of despair from behind the Iron Curtin. We know that when the state crushes theindividual that failure of the society is sure to follow.

Why then, with these lessons less than 30 years behind us, do our leaders seek to embody this damaging ideology here in America under the guise of a different name: progressivism?

Our very own president is on the record as having said things such as, You didnt build that. He is also famous for his talking point of everyone getting his or her fare share.

We are a nation of equal opportunity, not equal outcome. This administration hasdedicated itself to replacing the individual with the state. If the current regulatory scheme of the EPA or the IRS is not enough proof that communism is growing here at home, then I present to you exhibit A:Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act for my liberal friends).

This disastrous policy is the single largest attempt in this nations history to bring theindividual to his or her knees in a state of perpetual dependence upon the government.

This, my friends, iscommunism in the guise of a helping hand.

Just because you do not see Soviet style force in our towns and cities does not mean that the ideology of the former USSR is not present and thrivingwithin academia andgovernment here at home.

Here in America, communism goes by a different name.

Progressivism is communism. Make no mistake about it.

The rest is here:
Stay vigilant against communism

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