7 Steps of a Crime Scene Investigation | CU Online

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A career in criminal justice can lead you to many roles along the path of crime scene investigation. If youre interested in earning your criminal justice degree online, Campbellsville University offers three options.

Crime scene examination is complex. How officers approach the crime scene of a burglary differs from that of a homicide. Indoor, outdoor and conveyance crime scenes all have unique aspects to consider.

Still, these seven steps of a crime scene investigation remain no matter where or what the crime. (1) Find out how these steps apply to any investigation.

Its better to establish a larger scene than needed. (2)

Outdoor crime scenes are more vulnerable to loss due to the elements. (3)

It is imperative to follow proper procedures for collection so that no evidence is destroyed or contaminated.

By following those simple steps and getting the right education, youll be ready to join the field as a crime scene investigator!

A career in criminal justice can lead you to many roles along the path of crime scene investigation, from the front lines to evidence processing. If youre interested in earning your online criminal justice degree, Campbellsville University offers three options, including an online A.S. in Criminal Justice, an online B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration and an online M.S. in Justice Studies.


1. forensicsciencesimplified.org2. forensicmag.com3. nfstc.org

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7 Steps of a Crime Scene Investigation | CU Online

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