Bowen Public School students launch science based crime scene investigation – Central Western Daily

2 Mar 2017, 9:46 a.m.

Bowen Public School students learn forensic skills with mock-up crime scene investigation.

TEAM WORK: Bowen Public School students Rickelle Seabrook, Braydin Smith and Tasma-Lea Pearce took part in a mock criminal investigation. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Year 5 and 6 students from Bowen Public School launched their own mock criminal investigation as part of a science workshop run by the Education Interactive program on Wednesday.

Teacher Holly Thompson said the studentswere presented with a hypothetical crime and had to use a variety of forensic scientific methods to solve it.

Students used finger printing to see the difference in finger prints, UV lights to read invisible ink,used litmus paper to test pretend poisons, built a DNA model and used a digital microscope to find clues, she said.

The students tracked their progress on a recording sheet and came up with a suspect from the information they gathered.

All students enjoyed the session and had come to similar conclusions in the investigation.

TECHNOLOGY: Steve Murphy with Bowen Public School students Kimi Craigie-Lucas and Tamia Pollard used technology during the science workshop.

PROBLEM SOLVING: Zandah Laws joined in the workshop.

CRIME SCENE: Caillson Collison Rihanna Smith took part in a mock-up of a criminal investigation.

The rest is here:
Bowen Public School students launch science based crime scene investigation - Central Western Daily

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