Conservatives shouldn’t back off of the ‘culture wars’ –

Sen. Bernie Sanders. (AP)

I understand that people want to keep their jobs and want to keep their friends. But I want to talk about Conservatives backing off from the culture wars.

The left is trying to create a majority victim status. When the majority of people are victims of straight, white men, what happens in society? Everyone is aligned behind victimhood and the left builds a political majority around an inaccurate grievance.

The left never compromises on these issues. Intersectionalism means you need to be behind and support the left and all their agendas.

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Conservatives need to speak up and take action with the culture wars or these things are only going to progress and become more common. If you want to see more of people like Bernie Sanders continuing to make demands against Christianity, continue to hide your beliefs.

If we dont speak up, were going to see an erosion of our own rights and its not just limited to the social issues. Every time we back off on the social issues, because of intersectionality, were empowering the left on collectivism, on higher taxes, on government health care; because all their ideas are locked together.

As always, please listen to the full audio clip for complete context.

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Conservatives shouldn't back off of the 'culture wars' -

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