Culture Wars on Baeble Music – Baeble Music (blog)

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Culture Wars wasted no time releasing their first single Money (Gimmie, Gimmie) that came blazing out of the gate with an addictive electro-rock sound and swagger according to PopMatters.

The forthcoming debut Culture Wars EP is pure adrenaline with production by longtime collaborator Robert Sewell and mixing by Manny Marroquin (Kanye West, Imagine Dragons) and Alan Moulder (The Killers, Nine Inch Nails). The debut quickly establishes Culture Wars as a band with their own distinct style, merging edgy, infectious song craft with electronic textures, punchy guitar work, and the commanding vocals of charismatic front man Alex Dugan.

The band draws upon various recording environments conjuring vibrant music thats sonically adventurous yet instantly accessible. Whether working on laptops or in the remote setting of Sonic Ranch just outside of El Paso, Culture Wars unique working methods build upon the trios creative chemistry.

A lot of our tracks have the appearance of a rock song, but underneath there's all sorts of weird experimental shit going on. We'll strike a match and record that sound, and put it through a reverb plug-in, and stick it underneath a track so it sounds like a percussion instrument. Or we'll record the sound of the rain outside on our iPhones, and we'll put some reverb and delay on that, and use it as a texture, Alex explains.

As the band worked closely with producer Sewell, and in-demand mixers Moulder and Marroquin on board, Culture Wars benefits from an uncommonly talented creative team. The three of us spent time in other bands trying to make something happen, but in this one things just seem to happen without us having to push it. It's been a big adjustment to have so many great people caring about what we're doing. Its a lot more enjoyable this way, says Alex.

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Culture Wars on Baeble Music - Baeble Music (blog)

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