Letters: Its hard to hear my fellow Democrats – The Durango Herald

The major and big difference between the liberal/progressive national Democratic Party political views of those such as two of my college professor friends and those of people such as myself is that they are more concerned with and passionate about what many call the identity politics and cultural wars issues, while I am more concerned with and passionate about the economic, bread-and-butter and kitchen-table issues of economic and financial survival of the lower and middle classes to be able to pay their bills.

I have never had the heart to tell them that perhaps their priorities are colored by the fact that they both have combined yearly incomes with their wives of over $230,000 a year, while my wife and I fall under the official federal government category of near poverty (between 100%-125% of the official poverty line).

My well-to-do friends are more concerned with and passionate about issues such as racism, inclusion, the plight of minority groups, white nationalism and the plight of illegal immigrants. They can well afford to be.

But dont misinterpret what I am saying. I also do care a lot about the identity politics and culture wars issues. I just care more about people being able to survive economically and financially.

It is hard and painful for me to listen to many of my fellow national Democrats expressing more heartfelt and passionate concern for the wellbeing of illegal immigrants while expressing a lot less concern and passion about the wellbeing of our poor, our near-poor and our senior citizens who did all of the right things in life and now are struggling just to survive and to be able to pay their bills.

Stew EpsteinRochester, New York

Originally posted here:
Letters: Its hard to hear my fellow Democrats - The Durango Herald

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