Letters to the Editor: Negative comments bad for elections – The Morning Call

Candidates should be clear about their plans

We need to take the time to select the candidates that have a positive plan to improve our community and schools. This choice is an individual right for all citizens. Our selection should be based on the facts and not the negative ads or opinions heard on TV and social media. The facts are difficult to filter in todays world. I am troubled with the negative comments and out of context advertising. The best qualified candidates share the way they will improve current issues and work together to fulfill this goal. Some of the candidates desire to promote a working relationship with the teachers and parents to open communications and develop therapeutic outcomes as a team for our children. It is my hope for our community that we can come together and select candidates to improve our concerns. Respectful advertising and plans are the results of equality for all.

Doris Farrar

Lower Macungie Township

Apparently my parents didnt care for me as much as todays parents seem to care for their kids. I dont remember my parents going to school board meetings to ban books and argue over bathrooms and curricula. Their goal for me was to grow up to be open, honest, accepting and tolerant of those who were not like me.

Book bans and objections to curricula seem to me the parents way of taking the easy way out. These parents are trying to off-load onto school boards the parents obligations of teaching their kids the values and mores they want them to have. The tough questions at home about lifestyle and race wont need to be answered if kids are never exposed to radical ideas at school.

Those arguing for banning books are, consciously or unconsciously, trying to return America to some idealized version of its past. A past where homosexuality and race were discussed in hushed tones, if discussed at all. That past is long gone. Or is it fear of ridicule if their child develops a nonconventional lifestyle? It seems to me these parents need to step up and stop haranguing school boards to do their job for them.

Bruce Eppensteiner

Wind Gap

I just received a Commonsense Candidates mailing from the Southern Lehigh Grassroots PAC, urging me to vote for the Commonsense Team. While the mailer notes that Commonsense is not a Republican or Democratic concept, its five candidates are those same True Republicans who have been running for the Southern Lehigh School Board.

These candidates are espousing a responsible tax-and-spend policy, but I see from their literature that they are very concerned about which students are using which bathrooms. Hmmm. Not a high priority of mine. They want to cut wasteful spending. I agree. So lets not waste vital dollars on reconfiguring restrooms. They want to invest in our number one resource, our teachers. Yes! A much better idea. Especially since teacher contracts are on the upcoming agenda.

I believe it is time to stop the culture wars by not participating in them. So lets do that. Commonsenses Commitment to the SLSD Community reads more like a political manifesto than an educational plan. Should parents have a voice in their childrens education? Yes. Should they unilaterally dictate school policy? No. I am voting for the true bipartisan slate of Torba, Gehman, Kruse, Kearney and Boyer.

Jill Hirt

Upper Saucon Township

Over the last two years, South Whitehall Township has thrived under the leadership of the current Board of Commissioners! Many changes have been fairly discussed, resident comments sought, considered and implemented in a professional and transparent manner with processes to support the changes. The answer competence.

What does this mean for you?

Whether you participate in township meetings, or just enjoy the great SWT environment, the current Board of Commissioners, along with the highly competent township management and employees are all focused on delivering the best services to you. Our road issues are being addressed in a new and more comprehensive manner, open space, water and roads are priorities, first responders are well recoursed for your safety, tax and fee revenue is spent wisely, and businesses know what to expect from transparent zoning and township ordinances. This is the definition of thriving brought about by outstanding leadership.

When you cast your ballot, vote for the people whose leadership and vision will build on the past successes and deliver an ever-thriving community. Vote for Diane Kelly, Jacob Roth and Chris Peischl for Board of Commissioners for a thriving South Whitehall! The answer competence.

Susan Shortell

South Whitehall Township

I know Mike Faulkner very well and have tremendous respect for his knowledge, integrity, compassion and fairness. All very important attributes for a judge. Mike has been an outstanding public servant. He served over 20 years as a highly decorated Allentown police officer and 12 years as a magisterial district judge for Alburtis and Upper and Lower Macungie townships. Mike is a highly respected judge as evidenced by the endorsement of District Attorney Jim Martin and a number of local police associations along with Pa. State Police Lodge 40. Mike has earned our support! I urge you to get out and reelect Mike on Nov. 7.

Tom Acker

Lower Macungie Township

Not having children on sports teams anymore, Im not especially interested in local sports news, so I only skim it. However, I thoroughly enjoy the sports photos. Shots of football players leaping in the air, soccer teams reaching for a ball, girls volleyball players stretching for the return, basketball dunks, softball slides into base you name it. Your sports photographers always deliver.

Regina Fleissner

Bethlehem Township


Letters to the editor about candidates and issues in the Nov. 7 election must be received by 10 a.m. Monday. Election-related letters will not be published after Thursday.

The Morning Call encourages community dialogue on important issues. Submit a letter to the editor atletters@mcall.com.

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Letters to the Editor: Negative comments bad for elections - The Morning Call

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