On abortion culture wars, Britain takes a different path – POLITICO Europe

Its harder here in this very secular society, with this trajectory that is quite strong in terms of increased acceptance of it, he says.

Most of the public opinion is quite happy with the status quo, according to Anthony Wells, director of YouGov's political and social opinion polling, who has studied domestic public opinion.There isnt any clear drive to restrict abortion rights in the U.K., and the topic has largely not become politicized, he argues.

Brits appear to be more accepting of abortion than their U.S. counterparts, polling suggests.

A report by Duffys Policy Institute last year found 47 percent of those who took part in a world values survey believed the procedure justified behind only Sweden, Norway and France, and well ahead of the United States where the figure was just 30 percent.

And polling by YouGov last year, in the wake of Fosters high profile imprisonment, found that by a margin of 52 percent to 21 percent people believed women who have abortions outside of the rules should not face criminal prosecution.

Labour MP Stella Creasy, however, tells POLITICO that pro-choice MPs should take heed from the U.S. and warns they cannot be complacent as activists looking to increase restrictions on abortion step up their "behind-closed-doors" organizing in the U.K.

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On abortion culture wars, Britain takes a different path - POLITICO Europe

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