Postcards from the class & culture wars (3.20.23) – Patheos

Some Boca Raton residents said they received packets with antisemitic messages in their driveways and front yards Jan. 14, the same daya swastika was projected onto an AT&T building in downtown West Palm Beach.

The Saxons said they launched the Dissident Homeschool channel on Telegram after years of searching for and developing Nazi-approved material for their own home-schooled children material they were eager to share.

The IRS audits Black taxpayers at roughly three to five times the rate of non-Black taxpayers.

Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and former state Republican Party Chair Matt Borges were convicted in a $60 million bribery scheme that federal prosecutors have called the largest corruption case in state history.

An Idaho hospital will stop labor and delivery services, citing doctor shortages and the political climate, the hospital announced.

The violations began piling up just as Republican state legislators, many of them newly in the majority, went on the attack against child labor restrictions, pressing in various ways to expand the number of work hours and work settings available to teenagers aged 14 to 17.

Ive slowly and reluctantly realized that its not that they dont know; its that they dont care.

Nunes small group continues to grow,as once-fringe white nationalist rhetoric and ideas gain traction.

There isnt really an upside to Trump.

I hate him passionately.

I mean, you have to harbor quite a bit of hate for your viewers to willfully continue feeding them vaccine misinformation that isliterally killing them.

Its a shit network.

In other words, Gannett has eliminated more than half of its jobs in the United States in four years.

The bill does not set limits on the extent of which officers can restrain students, or add restrictions to ensure the student is safe.

One of the parents asserts to West Shore school officials that her conservative religious values conflict with the Character Strong lessons which are intended to teach compassion because not every human is deserving of my childs empathy.'

Republican presidential hopefuls are vowing to wage a war on woke, but a majority of Americans are inclined to see the word as a positive attribute, not a negative one.

Those three spirits who visited Drazkowski last Christmas Eve clearly bungled the job.

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Postcards from the class & culture wars (3.20.23) - Patheos

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