Beware of democracy trap Thai PM warns

Asia News Network Wednesday 4th March, 2015

The response came as Prayut tried to reassure the public that nothing in the draft charter is written in stone, including the article allowing for a non-MP to become prime minister and a fully selected Senate.

"If it's not accepted, then people cannot co-exist. It's up to them if they don't want to stay in their country," he said, adding that Thailand should not fall into what he calls a "democracy trap".

Prayut's remark came amid complaints that the new charter was not democratic.

"Don't forget that there's no such thing as a 100-per-cent democracy. We must look comprehensively when we talk about democracy. I see some institutions teaching people to be democratic, but what is democracy without notions like rights, liberty and duty? All these are necessary," the prime minister stressed.

Prayut said the draft charter would be reviewed again, adding that he was closely following the work of the Constitution Drafting Committee and hoped that some drafters would speak less in public so they did not stir up political divisions.


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Beware of democracy trap Thai PM warns

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