Commentary: The main dangers to our democracy come from within – Albany Times Union

While defending Confederate statues, Marjorie Taylor Greene said she is opposed to taking any down, even one of Hitler, because: Our history is our lessons and our lessons is how we learn to make our choices going forward. ... Its so that I could tell my children and teach others about who these people are, what they did and what they may be about.

This may explain why Greene and so many others in my Republican Party have drawn ugly parallels relating to Hitler from mask mandates to the education of our children.

Unfortunately, Greene and many of her congressional colleagues have either learned very little of Hitlers history or, worse yet, they choose to ignore it.

They should be reminded that Hitler was a narcissistic demagogue who, when he lost a presidential election to Otto Von Hindenburg, claimed that he was stabbed in the back by a conspiracy of his political enemies and began a course of sedition and insurrection. Not long after Hitler lost the election, the Reichstag building, which housed the German congress, was burned to the ground. It was the Reichstag fire which gave Hitler and his Nazi Party the excuse they needed to take the power that the voters had denied him.

His rationale for taking complete power was to bring security to the German people.

The day after the fire, February 28, 1933, Hitler embarked on a course of enacting decrees and urging executive orders that eliminated all political opposition and began the merciless purge of his political enemies. The following month he opened his first concentration camp at Dachau, and in the years that followed he pursued his genocidal rampage.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler spoke of the big lie ( Der groe Lge) the use of a lie so breathtaking that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Hitler used the big lie to not only blame Jews and communists for every ill, real or imaginary, that beset Germany including the Reichstag fire, but also as a device to frighten and divide the German people.

You cannot reflect on this history without remembering the message delivered by George Washington in his farewell address. He warned of the demagogue who agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms to foment riot and insurrection. Our first president realized that this agitation and disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

Our second president, John Adams, was also worried about the rise of a demagogue in this country. Shortly after the British burned down our Capitol building in 1814, Adams, responding to a letter that criticized him for not patriotically applauding the virtues of democracy, cautioned that vanity, pride, avarice or ambition were irresistible temptations to individuals that led to the subversion of democracy. In his words: Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.

Sol Wachtler, a former chief judge of the New York state Court of Appeals, is a distinguished adjunct professor at Touro Law School.

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Commentary: The main dangers to our democracy come from within - Albany Times Union

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