David Glubetich: The last days of democracy – The Union of Grass Valley

So much for democracy, that outdated concept that everyones opinions get a voice, where a fair vote takes place to decide which argument prevails.

Thats the way it was when I grew up, and when I raised my children. Now, however, it appears whichever mob yells the loudest, creates the most destruction and has the biggest turnout will be the winner. Thats the way it appears in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York and dozens of other large cities where groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are running free. Once peaceful protests have quickly turned into insurrection.

Protestors say they want to defund (and even eliminate) police departments, create their own communities within cities, abolish ICE, and establish socialistic laws, like the ones that made Venezuela such a great nation.

They claim American society is guilty of systemic racism, and they demand it change. They take their cues from BLM without acknowledging the group is Marxist, destructive, and is spreading myths. Their focus is only on rare shootings of blacks by white policemen, and they dont give a hoot about black on black killings throughout the land, as in Chicago where dozens of blacks are murdered every month.

Free speech as we have known it is a dying tradition. Ironically, millions of Americans killed in past wars believed they were giving their lives to save liberty and safeguard the principles of free speech, something we have always prized

There is a lot about this behavior that makes me very angry, except I wont be taking to the streets to throw bricks or burn police cars. Ill use the pen.

My anger is directed at those who have given birth to the riots, supporting them and letting them continue indefinitely, even as their cities burned as the result of so called peaceful demonstrations. Its the left-wing Democratic mayors, governors, and attorney generals who dont have the guts to stand up to mobs who largely spout things they themselves believe in. They wont dare undermine BLM, potential Democrat voters, or take any action that would side with President Trump.

Im angry that our education system is stacked with far-left leaning teachers and professors, from high school through colleges and universities. Its where the nonsense begins. Several studies have shown up to 90% of higher education professors are registered Democrats. We are seeing the results of that, as the vast majority of rioters are between ages 18 and 30. What the hell are they being taught in school, or even more important, what are they not being taught?

If you think Im being a little extreme criticizing our educational system, please consider the facts that in most universities today students are brainwashed and taught that white people are privileged and racist. Its in this environment where many students become part of the cancel culture.

Cancel culture basically means somebody (or something) is considered worthy of hate and slander due to controversial behavior they are engaged in. Their wide-ranging hate includes President Trump, policemen who maintain law and order, as well as time honored patriotic symbols like standing for the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Star Spangled Banner and pretty much any statue of someone born before 1980.

Cancel culture has gone a lot farther than you might realize. The centrist political editor of the New York Times resigned because of harassment and pressure to support only left-wing opinions, and certainly nothing a Republican senator might have to say.

There is no debating cancel culture beliefs. They refuse to even listen to those they disagree with, and even intimidate them with threats of violence. No votes taken, no rebuttals of positions, and simply no free speech, thus no democracy.

This is serious. Its very disturbing that this kind of thinking is being fostered in our colleges and universities. We are now paying the price, with peaceful demonstrators burning, looting, tearing down statues, and disrespecting the men and women in blue who put their lives on the line to protect us.

Free speech as we have known it is a dying tradition. Ironically, millions of Americans killed in past wars believed they were giving their lives to save liberty and safeguard the principles of free speech, something we have always prized. Yes, Im angry. Shouldnt I be?

David Glubetich lives in Penn Valley.

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David Glubetich: The last days of democracy - The Union of Grass Valley

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