Democracy and June; a step too far? – News- Graphic (subscription)

Okay, I have kept silent long enough. I have had to change the Band-Aids on my tongue at least four times this week and at this rate I am going to need some stitches. Isaac Asimov once said something about democracy that for years I didnt understand. But today I think get it and perhaps you will too. Heres what he said; There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and the strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. Theres an old childrens song with the lyrics something like this; Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little ears what you hear, oh be careful little feet where you go I havent heard that song in a great long while. Nor have I heard a contemporary song with a similar message.

That great French comedian and humorist, Joseph de Maistre, okay he was actually a philosopher, said; Every country has the government they deserve. Later in the same document he said; In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve. Im just like you, I thought Abraham Lincoln said that and maybe, but if he did, he was quoting Joseph de Maistre. (pronounced Mys tray) Oh yeah, Joseph was quite a corker, a laugh a minute. Heres another rich one; False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing. I dont know about you but when I read that statement I instantly thought of every talking head I have seen on the news programs and several coffee break conversations I have ever had.

Here are some things that I do understand about our government. It is designed to encourage debate and the balance of power. I feel certain that no democracy cannot survive operating as a feud. Here in Kentucky most of us understand the zero sum game of a feud. Democracy requires discussion; not sound bites, collaboration not shouting matches and clear judgement not rash hysteria. Democracy should be focused upon how we all can win, not on how we make certain the others lose. And another thing Democracy needs is each of us having a practicing respect for all our laws.

Getting back to our new acquaintance and guest comedian, Joseph de Maistre. He nailed it again with this whopper. All grandeur, all power, all subordination to authority rest upon the executioner: He is the horror and the bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world and at that very moment order gives way to chaos, thrones topple and society disappears. Can you imagine a world where no one expects repercussions for their actions? Why, people would be texting while their driving, double parking on Main Street. Children would adorn themselves with ink and perforations. Ignorance would be a point of pride; no need to know that; no concern to me as long as I can watch my TV, iPad, electronic device of choice.

Our news commentators, radio, TV or papers are most often overflowing with bile and bitterness. Soon, no one will respect any office or voice of government. No one will care if we all suffer just so long as our supposed enemies dont get to succeed.

Instead of being a country of individuals we have become glops of demographics. I can prove that. I can prove that we have all happily clumped ourselves into nice little boxes of hims, hers, Dems, libs, indys, Repubs and this list goes on. Just look at the things that are being celebrated in the beautiful month of June. I cant list them all, I have over four double-sided pages of celebrations. Sixty celebrations claim the whole month.

Today, June 3rd is I repeat day. Today, June 3rd is I repeat day.

June 18th International Panic Day, National Splurge Day, and June 19th World Sauntering Day, you know; maybe that joker Joseph de Maistre has it right. After reviewing this massive list of celebrations, things that are important enough to claim a whole month, perhaps he is absolutely right. Perhaps, we do have the government we deserve.

One final thing; We can change that government by participation, education, attention to details, a refusal to accept half-truths, sound bites and of course; we all should vote. Now, does anyone have another Band-Aid? My tongue is bitten again.

Don Buck P. Creacy can be reached at

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Democracy and June; a step too far? - News- Graphic (subscription)

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