Editorial: Dave Brat gets an earful of democracy – Richmond.com

Whatever you think about 7th District Rep. Dave Brat and he certainly inspires strong opinions, both pro and con he deserves credit for the town hall he held on Tuesday night in Blackstone.

Granted, he should have chosen a location closer to the heart of the district, rather than one that seemed designed to evade or inconvenience his critics. But if that was the aim, it failed. The audience raked Brat over the coals, interrupted him, booed him and heckled him. He kept his composure.

Many Republican congressmen have been facing similar crowds at other boisterous town halls across the country. Good for them. The events give regular citizens a chance to sound off and be heard by the people who represent them and rule over them. Both sides of the exchanges probably learn something.

The air has been full lately with grim warnings about imminent dangers, both foreign and domestic, to the American political system. The recent town halls offer an encouraging reminder that reports of democracys demise have been greatly exaggerated.

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Editorial: Dave Brat gets an earful of democracy - Richmond.com

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