Exclusive: Facing Possible Deportation, Immigrant Activist Ravi Ragbir Speaks Out Before ICE Check-in – Democracy Now!
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: We begin todays show with a Democracy Now! exclusive. One of the New Yorks best-known immigrants rights advocates joins us on what might be his last day as a free man in the United States. Ravi Ragbir is executive director of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City. This morning, right after our broadcast, Ravi heads for a check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement here in New York City. He plans to go to the meeting, even though he may not be released.
The usually predictable process of checking in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement as part of a regular supervision process has become a source of anxiety for many immigrants since President Trump ordered changes to enforcement in January. In just one example, last week in Phoenix, Arizona, a single father of three U.S.-born children had plans to celebrate his sons 17th birthday after a check-in meeting that he thought was to discuss his request for asylum. An hour later, Juan Carlos Fomperosa Garcas daughter says officials, quote, "brought me a bag with his stuff and that was it." Her father was deported the next day. Meanwhile, other immigrants have gone to their check-ins and were released as expected.
No matter what happens this morning at Ravi Ragbirs check-in, he will not go alone. As part of his work, he has conducted trainings on how to accompany people to their check-ins in order to show support and document what unfolds. He, himself, will be joined by faith leaders and elected officials, including several city councilmembers and New York state Senator Gustavo Rivera. Just last month, Ravi was recognized in Albany, the New York state capital, with the Immigrant Excellence Award by the New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators, given to those who show, quote, "deep commitment to the enhancement of their community," unquote. The Indypendent newspaper recently featured him in a cover story called "Walk With Me," by Democracy Now!s Rene Feltz. And a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation film crew is following him today.
Ravi legally immigrated to the United States from Trinidad and Tobago more than 25 years ago, but a 2001 wire fraud conviction made his green card subject to review. Even though hes married to a U.S. citizen and has a U.S.-born daughter, the government refuses to normalize his status. Instead, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has exercised prosecutorial discretion to grant him a stay of deportation. His current stay lasts until 2018. But his 15-year-old criminal record makes him an easy target for removal.
Last night, his supporters and legal team met for one last time before this mornings check-in. This is Rhiya Trivedi, a third-year law student at NYU School of Law, whos helping represent Ravi through the schools Immigrant Rights Clinic.
RHIYA TRIVEDI: You can see that, for many, many years, the ICE office has recognized the outstanding contribution that he has made to the community as a leader, as someone in the faith community and the immigrant rights community. Hes a very important person to a lot of people. And they have recognized that, and we expect that they will continue to do that. So, we prepare for the worst; we expect the best.
AMY GOODMAN: Thats Rhiya Trivedi. Well, this morning, Ravi Ragbir joins us in our studio before he heads to check-in. Also joining us, his wife, Amy Gottlieb, a longtime immigrant rights lawyer with the American Friends Service Committee.
We welcome you both to Democracy Now!
RAVI RAGBIR: Thank you.
AMY GOODMAN: I know this is a really tough time for you right now. Ravi, talk about what you will do after you leave Democracy Now!
RAVI RAGBIR: Well, I will just head to the subways. You know, basically, Im going
AMY GOODMAN: Youll head to the subway.
RAVI RAGBIR: Im going to the subway.
AMY GOODMAN: Youre going underground.
RAVI RAGBIR: I am going underground. Thats absolutely true. But weyou know, normally, some people will say, why dont I go underground? But thats not an option here. And thatsI am not going to do that. I am going to Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices at 26 Federal Plaza. And Im going to basically turn myself in and hope and expect that they will allow me to come back out. And theres a stay. You mentioned the stay of removal that expires in 2018. That will be a normal expectation, that they will release me, because they gave me this stay. But as you said, there are many instances that people have not beenhave been taken away and end up deported.
AMY GOODMAN: When you say youre going to turn yourself in, what youre doing is youre going for a check-in, which can be very routine in the United States for immigrants.
RAVI RAGBIR: Absolutely. So, it is a routine check-in. Its like a paroleright?for analogy. And you just go in to meet your deportation officer, and he would make sure all information is correct, and normally we would walk out. But not in this instance. And thats what is going to happen. And thats whyyou know, you mentioned the accompaniment. When we partner U.S. citizens with immigrants who are in this crisisnot only for myself, for many othersthey are able to get the support from the community, and so they are not in this fearful space, but also getting the officers to treat that person with respect.
AMY GOODMAN: I mean, this is actually amazing, because you really pioneered this accompaniment program for check-ins, which most people dont really think about, where people accompany an immigrant to check-in.
RAVI RAGBIR: So, people have been accompanied before, but we have had a training to have them understand what they need to do, their response in different scenarios, and not only to the check-ins, but to the court. So, a lot of times the lawyers will say they dont need any family or friends: "Im the lawyer. I will get you out." But, in actual fact, when the community is there, the ministerespecially the ministerand the congregation, it makes a difference when, in that judges eyes, there is such a large support and such a large community here, that they makeit makes a difference. And we have gotten people freed. We have gotten peoplethe judge has said, "OK, you have won your case because of the large community support." So, yes, it is something that is unique to the New Sanctuary, where the training is very, very important for the immigrant as much as the volunteers.
AMY GOODMAN: But here, there is no judge. You will meet with an ICE officer.
RAVI RAGBIR: I will meet with a deportation officer.
AMY GOODMAN: A deportationand do know that person? Youve been doing this for years.
RAVI RAGBIR: Ive been doing this for years, and it changes every time. Maybe one time we have had the same deportation officer. But we never know who is going to be the officer on file, and I never know who Im going to be meeting today. So, sometimes the officers are friendly. Sometimes theyre not. And that uncertainty of who were going to meetyou know, before, when I hadI had a two-year stay in 2014. The officer said, "OK, well see you in two years." In 2016, when I went back to renew it, theand we got itthe officer said, "Ill see you in one year." Theres nothere was no rhyme and reason why I had to go back in today. But, you know, as my wife will say, its probably the best thing, that we had to come in, so I will not be looking over my shoulder every day.
AMY GOODMAN: So, Amy, youre Ravis wife. You also happen to be an immigrants rights attorney. How long have the two of you been married?
AMY GOTTLIEB: Weve been married about six-and-a-half years. We got married in September of 2010.
AMY GOODMAN: And, Ravi, how long have you been in the United States?
RAVI RAGBIR: Ive been in the United States since 1990, just over 25 years.
AMY GOODMAN: For a quarter of a century. So, Amy, how are you doing today?
AMY GOTTLIEB: Ooh, Im OK. You know, we have been through this before. It does feel different. What feels good is the outpouring of community support that we have right now, knowing that we, honestly, have the best legal team on Earth, the best organizing team on Earth. We have a committee, a defense committee, that is helping us kind of strategize about what to do if he gets taken in, how to celebrate if he doesnt get taken in. So, weve been taking it one day at a time, feeling, of course, anxious, not sleeping so well, but at the same time holding out hope that ICE will, you know, continue the existing stay and that we have more time to continue real legal options to help Ravi get full legal status here.
AMY GOODMAN: So, you go in together toits almost like a DMV-like room, right? Department of Motor Vehicles. Youve got Fox News on the television. And then your number is called?
RAVI RAGBIR: Well, not a number, but we will turn in the paperwork, the supervision paperwork, to the window, like a DMV window. And they will put itthey will leave it for the deportation officer to pick up. And then the officer will come out and either call me to the door and say, "OK, come back in six months or a year," but in another scenario, he will call me in to say, "I need to talk to you." And you will not see me again.
AMY GOODMAN: And, Amy, can you be with him through this time?
AMY GOTTLIEB: It dependsI mean, I can be with him, waiting. And it depends if they bring him back or not. In previous years, they have allowed me back, if they call him in to like have a quick conversation. But you just cant predict, right? You just dont know how theyre going to act.
AMY GOODMAN: So, you could be taken, and you just never see Ravi here in this country again.
AMY GOTTLIEB: Its possible. We have heard of times where a person we knew a couple years ago got taken in, and he was accompanied by people we knew, and they allowed them back there to say goodbye. So its possible that they would do something like that. But as I said, you know, it depends on the officer. It depends on a lot of different scenarios.
RAVI RAGBIR: And that was the accompaniment program, right? The volunteers from the accompaniment was allowed to speak, to be there. But its a different era now and different atmosphere. So, what we would have expected, we cannot expect anymore. So, its totally unknown.
AMY GOODMAN: So, if President Obama were still in office, theyunder him, they had granted you a two-year stay. So, although they said you had to come back this year, you would have another year until hoping to get another stay, as you work out your green card and your residency status.
RAVI RAGBIR: Thats right. We would have expected to go in, it would the routine check-in, and theyll say, "Well, you have the stay. We will see you back in anotherin another year." But even if there was another administration, we would have expected something similar.
AMY GOODMAN: So, let me turn to President Trump speaking just last month.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I said we will get the criminals out, the drug lords, the gang members. Were getting them out. General Kelly, whos sitting right here, is doing a fantastic job. And I said, at the beginning, we are going to get the bad ones, the really bad ones. Were getting them out. And thats exactly what were doing. I think that in the end, everyone is going to be extremely happy.
AMY GOODMAN: "Were going to get the really bad ones out." Amy?
AMY GOTTLIEB: Yeah. You know, for so many years working on these issues, we have been really struggling to eliminate this idea that theres a good immigrant and a bad immigrantright?that we have people who come to our country who are people who have lives thatyou know, sometimes theres a criminal conviction, theres a bad act, but we want folks to be able to look at the whole person. And when you hear that kind of language about, you know, getting the bad people out, it stirs up something inside of me thatyou know, thats not Ravi, right? Like, were not talking about bad people here. Were talking about the people who are part of our communities. Thats just rhetoric that, you know, kind of pits people against each other.
AMY GOODMAN: Ravi, you had a criminal conviction how many years ago?
RAVI RAGBIR: I was convicted in 2000.
AMY GOODMAN: For a wire fraud conviction.
RAVI RAGBIR: For wire fraud, working as a salesman for a mortgage lender.
AMY GOODMAN: And how long did you serve in jail?
RAVI RAGBIR: I was sentenced for two-and-a-half years. I was under house arrest, before I was sent and before I served the two-and-a-half years, for three years before that. So, three years I was under house arrest, and then I went into jail, prison, for two-and-a-half years, and then I ended up in detention for two years.
AMY GOODMAN: So then they wanted to deport you right after that.
RAVI RAGBIR: Thats right.
AMY GOODMAN: But you fought that and won.
RAVI RAGBIR: I fought that, and we have been fighting that since then. So it has beenthis is where the legal team, Rhiya and my legal team, my attorney, Alina Das, have been saying that this processthat "this process"and I use air quotes, right? Because the process itself was completely wrong. And they can point to many errors in the process itself.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to a different case, to Rose Escobar, speaking last month in Houston, Texas, after her husband, Jose, the father of their two children, was detained when he showed up for his annual check-in, and almost immediately deported.
ROSE ESCOBAR: My husband is not a criminal. My husband is a good man who works hard and provides for me and my children. My husband already makes America great. You take him away from me, you have me going to welfare, food stamps. Thats not the life that I want. Im not saying its a bad life, but thats not the life I had, and its not the life that I want.
AMY GOODMAN: Amy, thats the wife of Jose. Youre the wife of Ravi. Your feelings right now as you head down to Federal Plaza? The two of you, as soon as you arrive, will be holding a news conference. Is that right? Hundreds of people are expected. I went down to the offices at the Judson church last night. There were scores of people there saying goodbye to you, Ravi, being there to support you, making a whole big dinner, making signs. And in these last weeks, you havent stopped talking to people, advising them about what to do in their cases, taking phone calls, learning about ICE raids throughout New York.
RAVI RAGBIR: In actual fact, last week I went to Union City. The mayor of Union City had worked with us
AMY GOODMAN: In New Jersey, Union City.
RAVI RAGBIR: In New Jersey. And he issued a municipal ID six weeks after we talked to him, and he called for a town hall. And he expected 50 people. Sixteen hundred people showed up in a church that was only supposed to hold 500. And those were the people who were allowed inside. There were hundreds outside. People are afraid. They need to have this information. And, yes, youre right: I have not stopped speaking, I have not stopped doing presentations, because it isits a numberthe immigrants themselves, the people who want to support them, the churches who need to be ready to haveto create a safe space, weeveryone iswe need to coordinate that.
Now, what you saw yesterday wasntlast night wasnt a goodbye, but an empowerment dinner, because thats what we do. We empower people through this process. Theyre afraid. Most of them who you met there, the parents are undocumented themselves. But because we have been able to teach them how to deal with this process, they are strong, and theyre energized, and theyre motivated to speak up and also to move forward. So they will be down there today.
AMY GOODMAN: What is a Jericho walk?
RAVI RAGBIR: Jericho walk, it is biblical. Its in a story in the Bible, where they couldnt defeat the city. And God told them, "Well, you cannot defeat the city by army, but you follow my instructions, and you will win." So they were told to walk around seven times around the city. And after seven times, the walls came tumbling down. Theres a song about that.
But, similarly, we have been doing a Jericho walk since 2011, which started as a result ofin response to SB 1070, the Arizona law. We walk around Federal Plaza seven times in silence. We
AMY GOODMAN: This is around Federal Plaza, 26 Federal Plaza, area?
RAVI RAGBIR: It is around 26 Federal Plaza. And we have done it around 26 Federal Plaza. Weve also done it around the Supreme Court. Five hundred people have walked around the Supreme Court. We have walked around Congress. We have walked around the Senate building. In silence. And, you know, when the guards or the officers see us, they dont know what to take ofwhat to think about us, because were not saying a word, but you know were there for a purpose. Similarly, the Jericho walk today is going to be doing that.
AMY GOODMAN: If you are taken, where would you be taken to? Where are immigrants taken in New York City when they are detained?
RAVI RAGBIR: It could be a number of places. They could be taken to New Jersey, Hudson County Correctional Center, the Bergen County Jail, or I could be taken to Orange County up in [Goshen], right? Upstate New York. So, any one of them, I will be held and detained until they findthey can put me on a plane and take me to Trinidad.
AMY GOODMAN: Now, Amy, you are an immigrants rights lawyer. For a long time you ran the Newark office of AFSC. Thats in New Jersey.
AMY GOTTLIEB: Yeah, thats right.
AMY GOODMAN: These detention centers mainly are for-profit detention centers. The Elizabeth Detention Center, I think, is run by CCA.
AMY GOODMAN: The Corrections Corporation of America. These for-profit jails are enjoying massive profits since President Trump was elected.
AMY GOTTLIEB: Thats right. In New Jersey, theres actually only one thats private. Thats the Elizabeth Detention Center, as you say. Theres also these county jails that contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and make tons and tons and tons of money for the counties themselves. So they celebrate when they get these contracts, because theyre paid approximately, you know, $120, $130 per day per detainee. So, theyHudson County, for example, has over, I think, 900 beds. Essex County Jail has over 800 beds. So weve got people detained everywhere. Profits are soaring. Prior to President Trump, President Obamas administration had actually said they were going to stop using private prisons in the federal prison system. We were pushing to have that happen in immigration detention system. We got close to that. And then Attorney General Sessions came in and completely retracted that. So were back into private prisons and all the private companies that contract with public prisons that are making money on this.
RAVI RAGBIR: So, you know how much it costs to feedwhen I was locked in detention, do you know how much it cost to feed me for one day? Seventy-five cents. They were spending to feed one immigrant 75 cents. And you know how we knew that? Because they felt they were spending too much, and they wanted to bring that cost under 45 cents, so the numbers were thrown out, and we were hearing and seeing this happen. So, the profitsthe cost is low, but the profits are high, because theyre being paid $120, right?
AMY GOODMAN: So, have you packed? People often dont know that theyre going to be taken. But you confront this epic moment right now, after being in this country for 27 years. How did you prepare for this morning?
RAVI RAGBIR: I did not pack. My wife has been telling me to clean up, but I havent done that. Ive ignored that. Basically, how I prepared is throwing myself in my work. Ive been doing presentations two and three times a day, sometimes speaking for four hours straight to congregations or churches. So, thats how Ive dealt with this. Last night you asked me how I felt. Well, I told you I had no feelings, because if I was going to feel something, I was going to feel terror, I was going to feel anxiety. And to feel that and be able to work, be able to function, was impossible. And I couldnt allow myself to curl up in a corner and die, which is where they want us to be. I had to continue doing the work and continue to share the experience, so that as the privileged person that I am, meaning that I can go back to Trinidad without feeling that fear that I could be targeted, as other countries and other immigrants face, also Im able to speak, and I also have community support. So Im privileged, and I use this opportunity to highlight that situation.
AMY GOODMAN: Who will be speaking today at the news conference, just as this show ends, that youll be holding at right outside 26 Federal Plaza?
RAVI RAGBIR: We have been told that apart from the faith communities, that, you know, Reverend Donna Schaper will be speaking. But, we have heard, the elected
AMY GOODMAN: Reverend Donna Schaper is the reverend of the Judson church, where the New Sanctuary Coalition has its offices?
RAVI RAGBIR: Thats right. And shes the one whoshe was one of the co-founders of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York, but also of the National Sanctuary in 2007. But apart from that, they have a lot of elected officials who are coming to support me, to walk in with me. So, Senator Gustavo Rivera will be there. You have Councilman Dromm, Councilman Williams, Jumaane Williams, Councilman Rodrguez. The speaker just confirmedSpeaker Melissa Mark-Viverito just confirmed she will be there.
AMY GOODMAN: The speaker of the New York City Council.
AMY GOODMAN: Melissa Mark-Viverito will be also speaking and accompanying you?
RAVI RAGBIR: Yes. We dont know if shes accompanying us, but shes speaking at the press conference. The controller is planning to be there. We have had two state Assembly people who also want to speak, [inaudible] and
AMY GOTTLIEB: Jo Anne Simon.
RAVI RAGBIR: Jo Anne Simon.
AMY GOTTLIEB: Is our assemblywoman.
AMY GOODMAN: The assemblywoman in the state Legislature.
AMY GOTTLIEB: In our district, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: And then you will, together, walk into the ICE office.
RAVI RAGBIR: Together, we will go through security. You know, they make you take your shoes offright?to get into that building, take your belts off and ask you for ID. And a lot of people who are going into that space dont have ID, so they intimidate you from the beginning. And when you go upstairs, you are having to turn into hand in this paperwork and sit down there in complete terror, because every minute that goes past, you are thinking that this is the day. And youre sitting next to people who are facing that same trauma. And they, themselves, arewe feel that fear. And you sit down, and you see the child and the wife, who may have accompanied them, and the tears and the heartbreak that is happening because they are being ripped apart. So, it isit is hard for me, as a person, to see that, all while Im going through it myself, but this is why we have had the accompaniment training. So we want people to see that, so they can take it back out and force and push for true reform, where people can live in dignity without that fear.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you see yourself as a role model?
RAVI RAGBIR: I do not want to think of myself as a role model, because then it clouds where I need to be. You know, I need to be always aware that even though I maythat even though I may have support, I have to think about those who do not have support. So I always have to be ready to think about the consequences of a policy change on someone who do not havewho do not have that support. But, you know, what you saw yesterday is those immigrants who says Ive been a role model for them, so that they are now speaking up, and they are now empowered to go out and speak to the elected officials and go out and advocate for themselves and go out even though something may go wrong. They know that, as they go through this process, it will be good for them, because theyre ready for every step of the way. So, I do not want to be a role model, but I have been told I am.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you have a message for President Trump?
RAVI RAGBIR: I will let my wife answer that.
AMY GOTTLIEB: Ooh, if only. God, I would desperately love for us to have a president who saw the humanity in every single individual and understood that every person should be treated with dignity and respect. Thats my message. And that all of our policies should reflect that.
RAVI RAGBIR: Not only for immigrants. Were talking about he has been, you know, using other rhetorics that hasis targeting and causingas a result, theres a lot of hate that is on the streets. We need to look at everyone as being part of a society that wants to grow together and walk together. So, we need toeveryone needs to be able to build that relationship together.
AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to end back in your basement, where you were last night, the basement of the Judson church in New York City, to go to Judith Paez, who was speaking during what could be your last meeting at the New Sanctuary Coalition. People were making banners for todays Jericho walk outside 26 Federal Plaza. This is Judith.
JUDITH PAEZ: We started making these banners yesterday. And we had the idea a few weeks ago about doing all this kind of art to represent what we are here in the sanctuary. We are fighting for our rights, but not just a fight. Its not just a fight. Its something to show support, to show unity, to show strength in our communities, that have been suffering for all these new governmentyou know, the policies that are separating families, are breaking apart many, many families in this city and many other places around the U.S.A.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Judy Paez in the basement of the Judson church. As we wrap up, this is right when kids are going to school, but a lot of kids are afraid. Their parents dont want to send them to school, afraid, like we just played the video that has gone viral of the dad taking his 13-year-old to school, and he is arrested, and shes weeping as shes filming this on her phone. What do you say to these families? Are you finding that families are taking their kids out of school?
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Exclusive: Facing Possible Deportation, Immigrant Activist Ravi Ragbir Speaks Out Before ICE Check-in - Democracy Now!
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- WATCH: Dem Senator warns U.S. may be "months" from "irreversible" destruction of democracy - The.Ink - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- To Fight the Trump/Musk Purge, Federal Workers Hold Nationwide Day of Action to Save Our Services - Democracy Now! - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- A History of the Athenian Democracy (Part 2): Demagogues, Tyrants, Coups, and the People - KPFA - 94.1FM - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Brazilians hail strength of democracy as Bolsonaro is called to account - The Guardian - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Trumps politicization of the U.S. Marshals Service is a threat to our democracy - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- GOP Pushes Drastic Cuts to Medicaid & Food Aid While Proposing Tax Cuts for Rich - Democracy Now! - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Protecting democracy through checks and balances - The Hawk - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Rally speakers say NC judge's attempt to win his election by tossing ballots threatens democracy - NC Newsline - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Jonathan Sumption: Democracy is impossible for the state to satisfy - The New Statesman - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- He hopes that in Sundays election, Germany will stay true to democracy - Youth Journalism International - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- JD Vance and the defense of democracy - JNS.org - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- This final note on democracy and this economy - Marketplace - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Letters to the Editor: Democracy's protectors have finally woken up to resist Trump. Is it enough? - Los Angeles Times - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- George Clooney Addresses Election Results: This Is Democracy and This Is How It Works - Rolling Stone - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Opinion | Attacking Public Service Dismantles the Infrastructure of Democracy - Common Dreams - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Initiative bills a power grab to deprive Arkansas citizens of their right to direct democracy - Arkansas Advocate - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Sheri Berman, American political scientist: 'Can democracy survive in a political environment where institutions are treated as disposable?' - Le... - February 20th, 2025 [February 20th, 2025]
- Bonta says Trump is spitting in the face of our democracy as federal funds remain frozen - Los Angeles Times - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Murphy On ABC's This Week: This Is A Red Alert Moment Our Democracy Is At Risk - Senator Chris Murphy - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Letter: There are no better mentors for how to nurture democracy than our immigrant neighbors with real-life experience - Salt Lake Tribune - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- I WITNESS: Erasing democracy is easier than you think - theberkshireedge.com - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Investing in Freedom: An Introduction to the National Endowment for Democracy - National Endowment for Democracy - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Thousands Rally in Paris for Iranian Democracy, Rejecting Theocracy and Monarchy - Iran Focus - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Ecuador: Indigenous candidate Iza reminds Ecuador that democracy is more than going to the polls - MSN - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Hundreds of Women Raped and Burned to Death as M23 Rebels Seize Eastern DRCs Goma - Democracy Now! - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- ICE Agents in Colorado Go Door to Door Demanding IDs and Asking People to Turn In Their Neighbors - Democracy Now! - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Bourgeois Formal Democracy for Now but Could Fascism be the Future? - CounterPunch - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- Jonathan Sumption: Im not optimistic about the future of our democracy - The Times - February 9th, 2025 [February 9th, 2025]
- The double helix of science and democracy - The Boston Globe - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- Sign of healthy democracy is willingness to have elections even in time of war, says Trump's envoy - Ukrainska Pravda - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- 'Democracy killer': Winning NC Democrat vows to stop GOP rival blatantly trying to steal election - MSNBC - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- Hungary's Orbn says he will do away with pro-democracy and rights groups receiving U.S. aid - The Associated Press - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- Letter to the Editor: Time to restore local democracy in Keizer - Keizertimes - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- Commentary: The real threat to democracy - Northern Virginia Daily - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]
- Saba Investment Trust Saga: Shareholder Democracy is Alive and Well - Morningstar - February 7th, 2025 [February 7th, 2025]