Growing pains of a young democracy – Royal Gazette

Voters Rights Association

Published Jul 10, 2017 at 8:00 am (Updated Jul 10, 2017 at 7:16 am)

Although Bermudas Parliament held its first session in 1620, it is only relatively recently that it has enjoyed proper representative democracy.

The islands first General Election held on the basis of universal adult suffrage and equal voting took place on May 22, 1968, so Bermudas is an immature democracy a young democracy that still has plenty of growing to do.

It is in that context that the Voters Rights Association is campaigning for a Voters Bill of Rights to put into law some things that we believe will enhance, and therefore strengthen, the democratic process in Bermuda.

At present, the party in power invites you to vote at its election, so we want to see the right to vote enshrined in law and we also want to see the right to fixed-term elections. It is up to the government of the day to pick the date of the General Election, giving the ruling party an unfair advantage.

Is it right that a candidate can be parachuted into a constituency they have never lived in? We dont think so, and so we want to see election candidates be from the constituency they live in or an adjoining constituency.

That will lead to a better understanding and representation of that constituency and therefore be of increased benefit to the people who live there.

Debate is important to determine the facts and to see if the potential representative understands the constituents needs, not just the partys needs, so we want the right for all election candidates in a constituency to participate in open debate.

One of the most important issues we want to see addressed is the right of constituents to recall parliamentarians they have elected. Is it OK that an MP should declare themselves as an independent even though they have not been elected as one?

All eligible Bermudians overseas should have the right to vote. We have witnessed discussions and promises but no action. The right to a fair absentee ballot voting system must be enshrined in legislation.

Referendums are used in jurisdictions around the world and if Bermuda is to be truly democratic, there should be a right to voter referendums.

The government must listen and act when the people have spoken. Referendums are an appropriate vehicle to raise and determine public issues and citizens initiatives, and it takes representative democracy one step farther.

There are two other areas where urgent action is necessary.

The Auditor-Generals powers need to be strengthened to ensure full and proper access to all relevant financial and other supporting files and records, including those of government suppliers. The Auditor-General should also have the power of subpoena.

The Human Rights Commission should be an independent commission established in the Bermuda Constitution. The commission should be proactive in looking after the rights of Bermudians not acting as a defence unit to protect the Government. The VRA also believes that it is critical that the powers of the Ombudsman are increased to include the power to be able to subpoena Cabinet ministers and junior ministers.

All these can be included in a Voters Bill of Rights.

The VRA has written to all the parliamentary candidates seeking election to the House of Assembly on July 18.

We wrote: The VRA is adopting the position of negative resolution, whereby only in the instance where you object to any principle of the Voters Bill of Rights will your objection be noted and subject to open debate.

Having observed the process of onboarding and the difficulty of reaching consensus, we are offering you the opportunity for offboarding instead; that offboarding to take shape in the form of declaring any objection to the basic principles of the Voters Bill of Rights.

We ask that you clearly state your objection to any particular principle and put forth your reasoned arguments against that principle concisely and clearly.

The letter adds: Party politics has gone astray and this sentiment is being voiced consistently in the community; and the VRA feels that supporting the principles of a Voters Bill of Rights is a great opportunity for both political parties and individual candidates to stand for a respectful and participatory process that will move to deepen engagement in our democracy.

Both political parties profess their desire to make Bermuda better and the Voters Bill of Rights is an important and fundamental course of action to fulfil and honour that goal.

If you believe in strengthening democracy in Bermuda, we would ask that you approach your parliamentary candidates and ask them to support a Voters Bill of Rights. Make it plain to them that you are dissatisfied with the present system, and that the electorate deserves a bigger role.

Our mission statement says: The mission of the Voters Rights Association is to provide a voice and a vehicle within the political process for voters to participate more fully in the policy decisions that affect their collective lives.

Please make your voices heard.

Submitted by Ian Macdonald-Smith (chairman), Richard Powell (vice-chairman), Sakeena Talbot (secretary), Tasha Jones (committee member), Stuart Hayward (co-chairman emeritus) and Geoff Parker (co-chairman emeritus)

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Growing pains of a young democracy - Royal Gazette

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