Letter: Democracy on the skids | Letters – Roanoke Times

Years ago when I was a boy my Uncle Eddy had a mule named Frank. Uncle Eddy bought a tractor but couldnt bring himself to get rid of Frank. As things worked out Frank outlived Uncle Eddy and when Frank did die, we had to dig a big hole.

The Democratic Party has a mule for a mascot animal because mules were on most farms back when a family farm was a way of life. That isnt the way things are anymore and that goes for the Democratic Party too.

Democrats have changed a lot. It is no longer the working mans party. Democrats have become so much like Republicans theres only one party. Demuplicans we can call them. A species of parasite that lives off taxpayers and works between Wall Street and Washington trying to sell out for top dollar.

Remember when Hillary went to Goldman Sachs to give a one hour speech for Wall Street bankers to earn a $100,000 fee? Mrs. Globalism was so attracted to that easy money it turned her pretty head! So liberal progressives dont understand how Hillary could lose the election?

During the 2016 presidential election Democratic Party chairman Debbie Shultz got so worried about Bernie Sanders doing well with his Santa Claus campaign she had secret emails sent to state party headquarters telling them to get him off the front burner chill his campaign out. When Bernie found out his own party sabotaged his campaign all he said was Im not surprised. Really, why not? Sounds like serious election tampering to me.

The thing is, the Democratic Party has become so corrupt I believe the mule is going to die. However, there is a bright side to this, Democrats have already dug a big hole for the mule and it wont be much trouble to bury him.

See the rest here:
Letter: Democracy on the skids | Letters - Roanoke Times

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