Public education and maintaining democracy [letter] | Letters To The Editor | – LNP | LancasterOnline

Our nations Founding Fathers assumed that candidates for elected office would be God-fearing, moral, highly principled folks committed to the ideals enshrined in the Constitution.

To further safeguard the integrity of the American experiment, the states established free, public schooling (Horace Manns Common School Movement), equipping future voters with the ability to differentiate statesmanship from political chicanery.

Specifically, the schools were charged with teaching citizens to separate fact from opinion; to recognize authors and speakers biases, purposes and intended audiences; to identify inconsistencies and contradictions in written and oral discourse; to draw conclusions based upon relevant, timely and influential facts; and to remain open-minded by setting aside personal feelings.

When followership abandons these aforementioned problem-solving techniques, democracy is imperiled.

Sustaining a democratic form of government requires cognitive effort and critical thinking on the part of those who elect their representatives. Once elected, these government servants must be held accountable by their constituencies. While in office, oversight should be wielded by Congress itself but, ultimately, the voting public passes judgment by exercising its will to reelect (or not).

It is my hope and prayer that statesmen and stateswomen who are committed to the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, the uplifting of all people, the pursuit of justice, fairness and domestic tranquility will replace self-serving ideologues whose conduct can be described as hateful and treasonous. Their conduct also seems fearful and beset by feelings of perceived persecution, which scapegoat the disenfranchised for ones imagined loss of past bounties.

For my prayer to be answered, those casting ballots Nov. 5 must vote rationally, reasonably and empathetically, while minimizing prejudices, biases, distortions and uncritically accepted false narratives.

James L. DeBoy

West Lampeter Township

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Public education and maintaining democracy [letter] | Letters To The Editor | - LNP | LancasterOnline

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