And you might be a Democrat if – The Herald Journal

To the editor:

Earick Ward: Yes, you might be a Republican or a Democrat. If you believe in most of these things, you might also be a Democrat. However, if you believe in providing health care for the poor instead of tax cuts for the rich, you might be a Democrat.

If you would rather love your neighbor than use tax money to build a wall, or would like to keep revolvers away from toddlers and 6-year-olds, you may be a Democrat.

If you would rather provide contraception help than Viagra or abortions, you may be a Democrat.

If you could invite both Republicans and Democrats to work together on a health care plan that's workable, rather than a few white men working secretly and imposing a plan on us, you might be a statesman. Unfortunately, they seem to be in short supply.

Sharon Jones

North Logan

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And you might be a Democrat if - The Herald Journal

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