Arizona Republicans are killing Democrat bills for the worst reasons – The Arizona Republic

Opinion: The Arizona Legislature may be evenly split, but only bills sponsored by Republicans stand a chance of passing. That's not how good government works.

Christine Marsh| opinion contributor

When I first ran for office, I said I was committed to working with legislators on both sides of the aisle to solve problems.

I still am.

I believed then thatgood ideascan come from anyone and that the legislative process works best through collaboration with colleagues in both parties.

I believe that now.

The Senate Democrats have a proven record of bipartisanship,evidentby themore than five dozenRepublican billsthat we have voted for and supported.

If we thinkitsa good bill meaning enacting good policy, no matter who the sponsor is we will vote for it.

Meanwhile, many of my Senate Republican colleagues have had few opportunities to show any bipartisanship because so few of our bills have gone up on the board.

As of Monday,only 14 Democratic bills have received a vote, while 309 Republican bills have.

Remember that the chamber isalmost evenlysplit:There are 16 Republicans and 14 Democrats.

Many of the Republican bills that have taken up our time and passed without any Democratic support are controversial, implement significant changes to law, and willlikely bevetoed by the governor.

This is not a productive use of our time.

With such a closely divided Legislature, it would be so much better forArizonansif senators and representatives focusedonbipartisanbills that will improve lives andlikely willbe signed into law.

In one ofthecommitteesI serve on, there have been just three Democratic bills included on agendas for a hearing, while 58 Republican bills were presented and discussed.

In addition, we were recently informed that no Democratic bills will have a hearing in the House if theydontreceive a majority of the majoritythe support of nine of the 16 Republican membersin the Senate.

This is an artificial rule. The reality is that 16 yes votes from the 30senators should be enough.

We are already seeing evidence that Republicans are intentionally ensuring that Democratic bills do not make that artificial threshold.

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Can I prove it?

Maybe not, but some of us in competitive districts have been told by Republican colleagues that none of our bills will make it to the finish line because theydontwant to give Democrats a win in those districts.

Democrats have sponsored multiple bills this session that would implement positive change for our state. When Democratic bills make it through their assigned committees, these bills deserve a debate on the floor of bothchambers,and they deserve that final, recorded vote on the board.

I have sponsored24 billsthis session, but just one of my bills has been transmitted to the House. Senate Bill1159 is a potentially life-saving change in law that would allow us to keep up with the evolution of deadly, illicit drugs by making testing and analyzing equipment and devices legal.

The legislationpassed the full Senate on a 20-9 vote (with one senator absent), yet with nine of the 16 Republicans voting no, it is now apparently dead andwontbe heard in the House.

I am frustrated by what we are seeing this session.Voters should be,too.

Weare facing life-altering issues in our state:

None of these issues will ever be solved by one party or the other. Bipartisanship is essential.

I would like the opportunity to fight for my bill that is now assigned to the House. Other Democrats would like that same opportunity.

Forthat to happen, however, my Republican colleagues will need to show that they, too, believe in good policy no matter who sponsors a particular bill.

Sen. ChristineMarshrepresentseast and northeast Phoenix and Paradise Valley in District 4. Reach her

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Arizona Republicans are killing Democrat bills for the worst reasons - The Arizona Republic

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