Assemblyman Stec criticized for photo with Democrat – Glens Falls Post-Star

QUEENSBURY A graduation party photo has turned into a political attack against Republican Assemblyman Dan Stec.

He was photographed at a high school graduation party standing with two good friends, one of whom is Democrat Dave Strainer.

Some Republicans erupted at the photo, and one posted it on a Facebook page called Pissed Off Republicans, which promises to skewer Stec.

Start campaigning for Republicans in Queensbury this year or we will ratchet up the attention on what a schmuck you are, the anonymous poster wrote on the page.

Contacted by The Post-Star, the poster refused to reveal who he or she is, saying, We have to work in this town.

But on the page, the poster promised to post many more photos like the graduation picture, to show that Stec is a hypocrite, who is trying to suck up to Democrats and sabotage some Queensbury candidates.

Some of the people who followed the Facebook page said it was going too far to criticize Stec for simply standing next to a Democrat at a party.

But Town Board member Doug Irish said it was a fair criticism.

If youre that politically astute, you know what that looks like, he said. Why isnt the picture taken with Tony Metivier, his wife and his daughter, rather than the guy who just endorsed him for the Democrats?

Nonsense, said Town Board member Brian Clements, also a Republican. He said Stec was completely free to take photos with his friends, regardless of political affiliation.

Stec, interviewed later, noted he has been friends with Strainer for more than 15 years. They attended a party thrown by Republican Town Board member Tony Metivier, who is the third man in the photo, in honor of his daughters high school graduation. Metiviers wife posted the photo on her Facebook page, and from there, it was posted to Pissed Off Republicans.

Stec was disgusted by the Facebook page, which he said had a vulgar name and a handful of followers.

Some people apparently dont want civility between their elected officials when a graduation party photo stirs such hyperpartisan reactions, he said. This is exactly what is wrong with politics today and why people are fed up with politics.

As an assemblyman, he must work with Democrats. And, he said, hes also aware there are plenty of Democrats in his district.

I represent everyone, not just Republicans. I have many Republican and non-Republican friends. People want us to work together, he said.

The photo may have generated attention because of an internal feud among local Republicans.

Metivier is a Republican, but hes not on the Republican ticket this year. The party did not endorse him for re-election, so Metivier is running in a primary to regain the party line for the general election. He has also been endorsed by the Democrats, which deeply displeased some Republicans.

Irish thinks Stec deliberately posed for the photo to make a statement.

I would hope he would support our candidates, he said.

Rachel Seeber, who is running for supervisor on the Republican line, noted that Stec hasnt come to any events with her or donated to her campaign.

She added that shes not sure the photo indicates Stec wont support her. But shes sure the photo means hes not supporting the entire Republican slate, or perhaps supporting Metivier rather than the endorsed Republican in the Ward 1 primary.

Based on that picture, is it about Ward 1? Is it just about me? I doubt it, she said.

When asked about Irish and Seebers comments, Stec said, Interesting speculation.

He noted he had carried nominating petitions for the entire Republican slate of town candidates, but he declined to say who he is supporting.

Since Ive been in the Assembly I havent made very many campaign endorsements for local offices. At this point, I dont plan on that changing, he said.

Read the original here:
Assemblyman Stec criticized for photo with Democrat - Glens Falls Post-Star

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