California State University Fullerton Students Named Defendants in Democrat Lawsuit – VoiceofOC


[FULLERTON, CA] California Democrats filed a lawsuit on June 29th to undermine the democratic process of signature gathering, putting the California State University, Fullerton chapter of College Republicans in the crossfire.

The CSUF College Republicans helped lead the efforts to recall California State Senator Josh Newman after the Democratic Super-Majority passed a significant increase to car and gas taxes.

This lawsuit intends to stop the petition from circulating and halt the recall process, falsely citing deceptive messaging as grounds for suing. This is the latest in a long list of attempts by Newman and California Democrats to subvert the will of voters.

CSUF College Republican members Amanda McGuire, Ryan Hoskins, and Brooke Paz were named defendants in this lawsuit due to their initial support of the recall petition.

Chapter Vice President Amanda McGuire said, The lawsuit is a shameful and frantic attempt to silence voters of the district. The intimidation tactics espoused by the California Democrats should no longer be tolerated. Its gone too far when college students are being dragged into court for becoming involved with the issues faced by their local cities. Im proud to be part of the party that fights to fix our government on every level.

To address the source of the issue, the recall campaign has gathered nearly 85,000 signatures to remove one of the politicians responsible for enacting this tax increase without consent of the voters. The recall campaign then intends to demand these new taxes be repealed.

This lawsuit is the definition of frivolous and more than an obstruction of the very processes that every Californian should hold dear, said chapter Secretary Ryan Hoskins. By naming myself and my fellow club members as defendants on this lawsuit the California Democrats are attempting to scare us into backing down from this signature gathering effort. They will not succeed in breaking our spirit and, with the support of the California Republican Party, we will fight it in the court of law.

To join your local College Republicans chapter, contact us at To learn more about the CSUF College Republicans, visit their website


See original here:
California State University Fullerton Students Named Defendants in Democrat Lawsuit - VoiceofOC

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