Fire guts Santa Rosa unoccupied mobile home after eviction – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | June 29, 2017, 6:53PM

| Updated 14 minutes ago.

Fire gutted an unoccupied home in a Santa Rosa mobile home park Thursday.

Smoke was reported at 10:03 a.m. above the Rancho San Miguel mobile home park. Firefighters arrived to find thick black smoke pouring out of the windows of the home at 77 Estrella Drive. They doused the flames, preventing the fire from spreading to neighboring units, although there was some damage to an adjacent fence, Assistant Fire Marshal Paul Lowenthal said.

The previous resident was a hoarder, so the unit was full of junk, manager Bobbe Kemp said. She said the man died earlier this year, and his caretaker was evicted earlier this month. Kemp said the locks to the house were changed and there was no indication that anyone was accessing it in recent days.

Fire inspectors have not yet determined a cause, Lowenthal said.

Were anxious to hear what they find, Kemp said.

It was the second time in less than two weeks a Santa Rosa mobile home burned to the ground. Elizabeth Stamp, 66, was killed June 18 when she was unable to escape the fire that engulfed her Santa Rosa Mobile Estates home. Her 32-year-old son, Ian Stamp, was arrested on suspicion of arson and homicide.

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See the article here:
Fire guts Santa Rosa unoccupied mobile home after eviction - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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