Gaston’s lone Democrat on the ballot – Gaston Gazette

Superior Court Judge Jesse Caldwell IV interrupts a reporter in the middle of an interview in his office to retrieve a couple of items from a scuffedand battered briefcase.

He puts the items on a table in front of him.

One is a well-thumbed copy of the New Testament.

The other is an equally well-used copy of the U.S. Constitution.

"These are the rocks," he said, "right here. These are what I base my beliefs and my public service on."

Caldwell, 37, was appointed by Gov. Roy Cooper last summer to complete the unexpired term on the bench of his father, Jesse Caldwell III, who had reached the state's mandatory retirement age of 72.

Caldwell is now running for a full eight-year term on the bench. He will be, in fact, the only Gaston County Democrat on the ballot come November.

As noted in recent Gazette stories, no Democrats in Gaston County are running for sheriff or for district attorney, forclerk of court or for seats on the board of commissioners, for N.C. House or Senate seats.

Asked how it feels to be the only local Democrat on the ballot, Caldwell responds with two points.

"I am proudly running as a Democrat," he said, "but I'm more importantly running as a judge,who believes that partisan politics have no place in his decision-making and who believes that all judicial races should be nonpartisan."

North Carolina has been back and forth on the issue of partisan judicial races for decades. The races were partisan up until the early 1990s, when the legislature decided to make them non-partisan.

In 2017, however, a Republican-dominated legislature passed H.B. 100, which made the races partisan again. Cooper vetoed the bill, but Republican lawmakers overrode that veto to put the measure into law.

"The North Carolina Democratic Party firmly believes that judicial races should be non-partisan," Caldwell said, "and I totally agree."

"This law basically politicized the courts," Caldwell said,"and it is a matter or principle for me that I oppose it."

As a candidate for a judgeship, Caldwell says he will offer no positions on issues that a candidate for county commissioner or state House might discuss.

Instead, he said, his platform has two basic tenets.

"Again, I hold a judicial office," he said. "My duty is to be an impartial and objective judge. My decisions are based on the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and the public safety of our community."

Secondly, he said, "As I candidate, I am a known quantity. I grew up here. I went to school here. I came back here to practice law. You just can't get any more local than me."

Caldwell grew up in Gastonia and is a 2003 graduate of Forestview High School. He earned his bachelor's degree at UNC Chapel Hill with a double major in political science and history, and his law degree at Charleston School of Law.

Prior to his appointment to the bench, Caldwell spent 10 years working in the Gaston County Public Defender's office, a position he says provided him excellent training for his current duties.

He also said as a judge a priority has been forging positive relationships with attorneys, with law enforcement, and with the Clerk of Court staff.

"I have to say a word about (Clerk of Court) Roxann Rankin," he said. "Her office is one of the most efficient, most professional in the state."

So how does a candidate run for an office where no real policy positions are taken?

"My campaign is a combination old school and New Age," Caldwell answered. "I love to meet people face to face. I go door to door. I go to public events. We use flyers and yard signs. But, we will also have a strong social media presence."

Three Republicans Justin Davis, Eddie Meeks and Beth Stockwellare seeking the GOP nomination for Superior Court judge in the May 17 primary.

Bill Poteat may be reached at 828-448-0195 or

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Gaston's lone Democrat on the ballot - Gaston Gazette

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