Letter to the Editor: Democrats ongoing tradition of racism – Chico Enterprise-Record

If you are a white leftist, you have not written one word to this newspaper that was informative or enlightening. Not one.

Sixty-two percent of Democrats support voter ID for voting, with non-whites supportive by 84%. That, my friend, is staggering.

Republican voter suppression is a lie. A lie based in liberal racism that pretends that non-whites are not smart enough to get a free government ID.

Sure, non-whites can get an ID for opening a bank account, traveling on a plane, purchasing liquor, getting a motel room, or a myriad of other ID requirements. But to prove you are who you say you are to choose the power that runs the country? Racist, they claim. So you see whos racist here? Democrats.


Because the history of racism in this country is Democrats. Slavery? Democrats. Jim Crow? Democrats. Civil Rights bill? Filibustered by Democrats. Democrat National Committee member, absolute segregationist, and racist Bull Connor? Democrat. Robert Byrd, KKK member, and US Senator? Democrat.

When you think about it objectively, you will conclude that the race problem currently experienced in the United States is (again) a creation of white liberals, who have used every white killing of a Black person as an excuse to make relations worse, while completely and I mean completely ignoring any Black person killing a White person, or a Black person killing a Black person (which is a far worse ongoing, numerical travesty).

White liberals have lied to you endlessly, and continue to do so. Tune them out.

Barry Johnson, Chico

See the article here:
Letter to the Editor: Democrats ongoing tradition of racism - Chico Enterprise-Record

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