Letter to the editor: Voting Democrat an addiction – TribLIVE

I believe that voting Democrat can be an addiction. Democrats continue to vote Democrat for decades while their cities disintegrate into cesspools of drugs, slums, crime, disease and suffocating taxes. For some of them, when they finally cant stand it any longer, they move and vote Democrat in their new location. They are Demoholics!

Todays Democratic Party has been hijacked by the Marxist, socialist, progressive, woke movement. It has proclaimed and is implementing its evil and diabolical agenda to fundamentally transform our country.

I believe that todays Democratic Party has shown its agenda be: the banishing of God, Judeo-Christian values, natural law and patriotism; the atrocity of abortion; the destruction of the nuclear family; BLM and antifa and the burning, looting and destroying of historic statues; the shattering of MLKs dream of a colorblind society by fomenting racial tension; teachers unions indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of our children; the hate-mongering and dividing of us into factions by race, party, and financial and vaccination status, and a house divided cannot stand.

Those who hate this country are living a dream. Those of us who love it are living a nightmare. Traditional Democrats are facing a dilemma: vote to save the country as founded or vote Democrat. Many will try to appease their conscience by defending and justifying what their party has become. But, alas, in the end, like an alcoholic who cant pass by a liquor store without stopping in, far too many Democrats will continue to vote Democrat no matter what. They are hopelessly addicted Demoholics!

Bob McBride

West Deer

Letter to the editor: Voting Democrat an addiction - TribLIVE

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