Male diver dies on Mendocino coast – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | May 27, 2017, 3:49PM

| Updated 10 hours ago.

One person died Saturday morning while diving along the Mendocino County coast, a sheriffs spokesman said.

Authorities were alerted reported about 8:40 a.m. to a diver in distress at Bowling Ball Beach near Point Arena, Captain Greg Van Patten said.

A man believed to be 58 years old was pulled from the water in a rocky area and died at the scene despite life-saving efforts, Van Patten said.

His name was not released on Saturday.

You can reach Staff Writer Paul Payne at 707-568-5312 or On Twitter @ppayne.

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Male diver dies on Mendocino coast - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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