Sedalia Democrat to publish five days a week – Sedalia Democrat

Starting Monday, Aug. 7, the Sedalia Democrat will no longer print and deliver a Monday edition. The Democrat will continue publishing a print edition Tuesday through Saturday.

We took a hard, detailed look and evaluated the Monday edition. We believe this decision needed to be made to better serve our community, advertisers and subscribers, Publisher Will Weibert said. This decision will allow the staff to focus on better customer service, increase our news content and add value to our subscribers with increased special sections and reader content. This will be a good thing for the Democrat and our valued subscribers.

July 31 will be the last Monday edition of the Democrat. The staff will now focus on adding and improving more news content, advertising and delivery with the Tuesday through Saturday editions. Even without a Monday print edition, readers will still be able to receive west central Missouri news through The newsroom will continue to update the website daily with breaking news.

With a new parent company, Phillips Media Group, a new publisher and new editor, the Democrat will be making some changes to improve Sedalias only newspaper.

Starting with the Aug. 2 edition, Democrat readers will see a print redesign, which will better showcase the newsrooms award-winning photography and stories and make the newspaper easier to navigate.

In addition, will be revamped in early August to feature faster load speeds, a sleeker design and a better user experience. Weibert noted that is one of Sedalias most highly-trafficked local websites with nearly 500,000 monthly page views.

We value our advertisers and our subscribers. Every subscriber now will get access to the E-Edition free of charge, Weibert said. We want to make it as easy as possible for our subscribers to get their news anywhere, anytime and from any device.

Readers with questions about this change can contact the Democrats customer service representatives at 660-826-1000.


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Sedalia Democrat to publish five days a week - Sedalia Democrat

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