Survivors of freeway plane crash are in stable condition – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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ASSOCIATED PRESS | July 1, 2017, 6:25PM

| Updated 3 hours ago.

SANTA ANA A couple whose plane crashed and burst into flames on a Southern California freeway are recovering from their injuries.

KABC-TV ( ) reported Saturday that the man who was piloting the aircraft is hospitalized in stable but guarded condition and his wife is in stable condition.

Fire officials earlier said the woman was his fiance.

They were the only people aboard a twin-engine Cessna 310 that crashed Friday morning on Interstate 405, just short of a runway at John Wayne Airport in Costa Mesa.

Before the crash, the pilot reported losing power in one engine.

The plane clipped a pickup, but nobody on the ground was hurt.

An off-duty firefighter pulled them from the fiery wreckage.

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Survivors of freeway plane crash are in stable condition - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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