Suspected auto thief caught on camera – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | July 3, 2017, 1:03PM

| Updated 14 hours ago.

Sonoma County sheriffs investigators were looking for a suspected vehicle thief and a missing brown Nissan Pathfinder taken from a Bodega Bay hotel.

Officials released the photograph of a man caught on video prowling the grounds of the Tides Hotel in Bodega Bay about 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Hes shown wearing a white T-shirt, open red button-down shirt and a backward baseball cap.

Authorities believe he took the Nissan, which belongs to an employee of the hotel, according to the Sheriffs Office.

The Nissans license plate is 5WZN878. Anyone with information about the case can call sheriffs dispatch at 707-565-2121.

You can reach Staff Writer Julie Johnson at 707-521-5220 or On Twitter @jjpressdem.

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Suspected auto thief caught on camera - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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