Watch a Virginia Democrat Crush an Ambulance to Make a Point About Republicans and Affordable Healthcare – (blog)

"Republican leaders are trying to do this to affordable healthcare," Virginia gubernatorial candidate Tom Perriello says in his new ad as he gestures to an ambulance behind him getting crushed by an industrial car crusher. "In Congress I voted for Obamacare, because it was wrong that a million Virginians weren't covered while insurance companies held all the power. Now I'm running for governor because it's wrong that most Virginians' income hasn't gone up in 20 years. Together we can stop Donald Trump, raise wages and build an economy that works for everyone. And we'll make sure this" -- he turns and points at the now-destroyed ambulance -- "never happens in Virginia."

Released today on YouTube, the ad is, of course, perfectly timed (see "House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act," via The New York Times). It's basically the hyperpopular Hydraulic Press Channel writ large -- with the added dramatic tension of wondering, as you're watching, if a piece of the ambulance getting destroyed will fly out of the crusher and hit Perriello, necessitating another ambulance.

Simon Dumenco, aka Media Guy, is an Ad Age editor-at-large. You can follow him on Twitter @simondumenco

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Watch a Virginia Democrat Crush an Ambulance to Make a Point About Republicans and Affordable Healthcare - (blog)

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