Wildfire burning hills southwest of Petaluma – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | July 12, 2017, 6:09PM

| Updated 3 hours ago.

Fire crews responded to a 25-acre wildfire in the hills southwest of Petaluma Wednesday, just over the Marin County line.

No evacuations were ordered and no structures were threatened by the blaze, dubbed the Spaletta Fire after the name of a nearby ranch.

Petaluma firefighters noticed a column of smoke, but werent called to the scene, said Mike Medeiros, battalion chief for the Petaluma Fire Department.

The fire, first reported around 4:15 p.m., burned grassy oak woodland off of Point Reyes-Petaluma Road, with winds between 7 and 12 miles per hour, according to Marin County Fire. CalFire assisted, and as of 7 p.m., about 45 personnel remained on scene with containment at 80 percent.

You can reach Staff Writer Christi Warren at 707-521-5205 or christi.warren@pressdemocrat.com. On Twitter @SeaWarren.

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Originally posted here:
Wildfire burning hills southwest of Petaluma - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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