Beware the Democrats – Dothan Eagle

On the 14th of August, a left wing mob supported by the Democratic governor pulled down and smashed a century old memorial to the Confederate soldier in Durham, North Carolina. For days now the liberal media and Democratic Party have refused to acknowledge the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and its ally the anarchist AntiFa, as sharing blame with the Alt-Right for the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. These organizations, BLM and AntiFa, are the storm troopers of the Democratis Party.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for anarchy, lawlessness, mob rule, violence, and dictatorship. If the Democratic Party ever gains power in this country again, you can rest assured that your rights as an individual will be subject to the whims of an extremist, left-wing, fascist government. Remember this when you go to the polls. Your very freedom depends on keeping the Democratic Party out of power in this country.

The Democratic Party has shown without any reservation it is not beneath using the tactics used in 1930s Germany to gain control of your lives.

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Beware the Democrats - Dothan Eagle

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