Gingrich claims Democrats have ‘given up keeping House’ in 2022, are ‘ramming through everything they can’ – Fox News

House Democrats are engaged in a "cynical ploy" to pass as much of their extreme agenda as they can before next year's midterm elections, formerHouse Speaker Newt Gingrich told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.

"I think ... they'vegiven up on keeping the House, Gingrich explained. "What they're doing is rammingthrough everything they can getdone before they lose in 2022. This is kind of a sprint to radicalism even though it'sgoing to cost, if you look atthese votes ... [they'll]have 30, 40, 50members who are not going to beable to defend them."

Gingrich noted that the last two Democratic presidents, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, both saw their party suffer huge losses in the House in their first midterm election.

"They [Democrats] lost 54 seats [in 1994] and webecame the majority for thefirst time in 40 years," he said."When Obama was elected, they lost 63seats [in 2010]."

"I think the Biden-Harris modelis, 'We're going to lose the Houseanyway, we might as well grabeverything we can while we'vegot power. 'It's astonishing," Gingrich went on.

"Just take the $1.9 trillionpolitical pork bill, which is nota COVID bill.Only 9% of it is COVID.The other 91%is justpolitical pork.That bill has more radicalism in it thanthe eight years ofClinton and the eight years ofObama combined. Just that onevote."


"And you're going to see waveafter wave.I describe it as a flood tide ofradicalism," he added, later claiming that the Democrats' insistence on essentially erasing the U.S.-Mexico bordermakes thoseflooding into the country "Biden's illegals."

"If there's a problem in Texas, it's not with Governor Abbott, it'swith Biden's illegals. We just have to call them [that], these are Biden's illegalscoming into the country [with]nopublic health check," Gingrich said. "Even back in the 1880s we hadpublic-health checkswhen you cameto America."

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Gingrich claims Democrats have 'given up keeping House' in 2022, are 'ramming through everything they can' - Fox News

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