Nancy Pelosi: Democrats are willing to work with Republicans on healthcare fixes – Los Angeles Times

July 18, 2017, 12:37 p.m.

House Democrats are willing to come to the table on healthcare if Republicans abandon their attempt to do it alone, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco)said in a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan (D-Wis.) on Tuesday.

"Democrats extend the hand of friendship if Republicans will set aside repeal, abandon cuts to Medicaid, and abandon huge tax breaks for the wealthy," Pelosi states.

With the GOP healthcare bill seemingly dead in the Senate, and senatorsunwilling to consider a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act, many on Capitol Hill are wondering what will happen next to President Obama's signature healthcare law that Republicans have pledged to kill for nearly a decade.

The overture from Pelosi doesn't include many details on what she thinks the next moves should be, exceptthat they should begin before Congress leaves for its August recess.

Read the rest here:
Nancy Pelosi: Democrats are willing to work with Republicans on healthcare fixes - Los Angeles Times

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