Seneca Falls Democrats nominate candidates – Finger Lakes Times

SENECA FALLS Town Democrats nominated two incumbents and an outspoken foe of the Seneca Meadows Landfill as candidates for the fall town election.

Doug Avery of Cayuga Street was nominated for one of two town board seats to be elected this November. He will join incumbent Democrat David DeLelys in running for the two seats on the five-member board. Avery is a retired music and drama teacher at Mynderse Academy.

The two Democrats will oppose incumbent Republican Tom Ruzicka and former board member Steven Turkett.

Avery is president of the Seneca Falls Environmental Action Committee and has spoken frequently against the ongoing odor and other issues at the landfill, in favor of Local Law 3 of 2016 that would require the landfill to close by Dec. 31, 2025, in opposition to Local Law 2 of 2017, which rescinded Local Law 3 and in opposition to a renewal of the landfills state operating permit.

DeLelys voted for Local Law 3 and against Local Law 2.

Democrats also tabbed incumbent Town Justice Sean Laquidari to seek a second, four-year term. He is one of two town justices running this year. The caucus did not put up an opponent for incumbent Republican Town Justice Chuck Lafler.

Democrats in Waterloo, Fayette, Varick and Lodi also select their candidates at a caucus.

Waterloo Democrats do not have a date set yet, but party Chairman Ted Young said it would likely be next week. Up for election this year in Waterloo are two town board seats, supervisor, town clerk, highway superintendent.

In Fayette, Democrats will caucus at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 28, at the home of Supervisor Cindy Lorenzetti, 4144 High Banks Road. Lorenzetti said she will seek the party nod for another term.

Democrats will also look to nominate candidates for two town board seats, now held by Republicans Coreen Lowry and James Johnson; for town justice, town clerk and highway superintendent, a position held by Republican Bill Trout. Lorenzetti said there may be an effort to cross endorse Trout.

In Varick, Democrats will meet at 7 p.m. Aug. 29 at the home of board member Kathleen Russo, who is also Democratic Party chairwoman. Her home is at 5280 Route 89.

Positions to be elected this fall are two town board seats, including Russos seat, and town justice.

Lodi Democrats will meet in caucus at 7 p.m. Sept. 13, at the Lodi Firehouse on Route 414, to nominate candidates for two Town Board seats.

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Seneca Falls Democrats nominate candidates - Finger Lakes Times

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