South Jersey Progressive Democrats Condemn Election Manipulation by the Norcross Aligned Camden County Machine – InsiderNJ

The South Jersey Progressive Democrats condemn election manipulation by the Norcross aligned Camden County machine and affirm the publics right to determine their own representation. On June 17, 2022, Camden County Democratic Chair (and LD 6 State Senator) Jim Beach sent out an email to Camden County Democratic committee members informing them that Commissioner Carmen Rodriguez had resigned from office four days before the June 7th Primary Election and that her replacement would be named at a closed door meeting on June 29th. This is a decision that the public should make. The public has a right to determine who will represent them in their county government.

The Camden County Commissioners control a half a billion dollar budget. Thats over $70,000,000 per commissioner. County Commissioners oversee county roads, parks, tech schools, community colleges, libraries, and more. They also control millions of dollars in government contracts and have the ability to keep the pay to play system flowing, or to enact much needed reform, the sort of reform that South Jersey Progressive Democrats are working towards.

South Jersey Progressive Dems hoped that for a change, this primary would only feature individuals sincerely seeking office but apparently there was a phantom candidate on the ballot after all. That phantom candidate was Carmen Rodriguez who had already resigned from her office before the election. Over 85,000 Democrats participated in last weeks primary and they did so again without essential information, thanks to the Norcross machine. Those who voted for Carmen Rodriguez did so meaninglessly since someone else will be selected behind closed doors without their input. Over 12,000 Camden County voters cast their ballot for South Jersey Progressive Democrats candidate for commissioner, Rebecca Holloway, netting her the highest total of challenger commissioner votes in over a decade. The Norcross machine will install one of their own behind closed doors on June 29th and South Jersey Progessive Democrats will be there, rallying outside, calling out their underhanded tactics to silence the publics voices, said President of South Jersey Progressive Democrats, Kate Delany.

Resigning from a County Commissioner post in secret one week prior to the primary election is not only unethical and underhanded, it disenfranchises the voters of Camden County. At a time when a spotlight is shining on voting rights, the Camden County Democratic Committee chose to double down on backroom politics, hoping their constituents just wouldnt notice. We however are watching, said Camden County Commissioner candidate Rebecca Holloway.

Voters in the Democratic primary should have been informed that incumbent Carmen Rodriguez had resigned her Board of Commissioners position before the primary and that she did not intend to run if elected in the primary. As a member of the Camden County Democratic Committee in favor of good governance and an open and transparent process, I would like to see the Committee give Camden County Democratic voters the ability to choose who is on the ballot for the vacant position in the general election. Either a special election should be held, or Rebecca Holloway should be chosen to replace Ms. Rodriguez on the ballot in November because she had the next-most number of votes in the primary election, said Merchantville Democratic Committee member Joe Bouvier.

South Jersey Progressive Democrats invite community members who want to take a stand for fair elections and the publics right to determine their own representation to join them at a rally on June 29th outside the Camden County Democratic Committees closed door meeting. RSVP here to attend. For questions or more information, please contact

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